
Establishment of Farmer Groups for Affected Cultivators to Receive Replacement Land from Batang CFPP

Formation of farmer groups for residents receiving replacement land in Sembojo Village. Farmer groups are formed into 2 farmer groups which are divided based on the area of land location, namely stretch A (land area to the right of the road) and stretch B (land area to the left of the road). Layout A's farmer group consists of affected farmers from the villages of Karanggeneng, Ujungnegoro, Wonokerso, Kenconorejo, and Depok. Meanwhile, the farmers' group of expanse B consists of affected farmers from Ponowareng and Karanggeneng villages. Furthermore, these farmer groups will be joined in the Mitra Tani farmer group association, Sembojo Village, with the aim of disseminating correct land management and procedures. The system applied is an organic system and uses the Jarwo method (Jangkat Legowo). This farmer group is under the guidance of Intekbis (Business Technique Incubator) from SWCU Salatiga and BP3K in Tulis District.

The formation of this farmer group is a follow-up to the handover of replacement land that has been carried out by PT BPI on 29 June. This replacement land for affected farmers is part of BPI's commitment to social mitigation as stated in the EIA’s document. BPI is preparing a replacement land of 32 hectares for smallholders whose land where they work has been affected by the land acquisition for Central Java CFPP. The replacement land has then been divided equally among the 218 affected farmers. Each farmer will receive approximately 1,200 m2 of arable land. The affected tenants can work on this replacement land without having to use a production sharing system with BPI or rent, so that the entire yield can be benefited by the farmers.