
Central Java Coal Fired Power Plant Providing Solution for the Affected Farmers

• Farmers affected by CJPP have received replacement land and will be accompanied in land management
• Affected daily farmers and affected tenant farmers continues to receive social compensation as an alternative solution for the livelihood

Thursday, August 11th, 2016 – After achieving the financial closing, PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia (BPI) continues its commitment to distribute social compensation funds to approximately 700 tenant farmers affected by Central Java Coal fired Power Plant (CJPP) 2 x 1.000 MW, such as Karanggeneng village, Ujungnegoro and Ponowareng. This activity conducted in Karanggeneng Village, on Thursday (11/8).
President Director of BPI, Mohammad Effendi affirm that according to the Amdal document, BPI committed to a number of management impact program as result of CJPP activities, one of which is the distribution of social compensation. "Social compensation is an alternative solution for livelihood changing for the affected farmers,“ he said.

In line with social compensation disbursement, as a long-term solution, BPI prepared a replacement land of 32 hectares in Sembojo village, district of Tulis, to the affected tenant farmers which have been handed over on 29 June. The replacement land has been divided equally among 218 affected tenant farmers. Each farmer will receive about 1,200 m2 of replacement land.

The formation of farmer groups for farmer who receives replacement land took place in Sembojo village. Farmer groups formed into two groups of farmers who are divided by location of the land area. Farmer group A consisting of tenant farmers from the affected villages Karanggeneng, Ujungnegoro, Wonokerso, Kenconorejo, and Depok. While farmer group B consisted of tenant farmer from the villages affected Ponowareng and Karanggeneng.

The farmer groups will be merged in the Merger Farmer Group (Gapoktan) Mitra Tani, Sembojo village, with the aim to promote the processing of land correctly and according to the procedure. The system applied is an organic system and method named Jarwo (Jajaran Legowo). The farmer groups will be guided with Intekbis (Technical Business Incubator) of UKSW Salatiga and BP3K the District Tulis. 

“BPI would not implement the sharing system or rental fee for the land. So that, all harvest belongs to the farmer,” Effendi stated. The replacement land is temporary with five year agreement and farmers can do extension.

Effendi affirmed that BPI continues to be proactive for conducting public socialization according to number of BPI program. It is intended for giving better understanding to the citizens for the benefit of the existence of CJPP and BPI's commitment to address a number of power plant activity management impacts.

In addition, the power plant which uses Ultra Super Critical technology is also committed to implement the development program of a sustainable society, for example through the CSR program. Such as, BPI has established number of Community Business Group (KUB) in the affected villages to encourage entrepreneurship.

Furthermore Effendi expects the existence of CJPP can provide benefits widely, "Central Java power plant is expected to provide a huge benefit not only for the residents around the site area, but also for Indonesia. Electricity supply from this plant will support the national energy supply, promote economic growth and increase investment climate, especially in Batang and Central Java, "said Effendi.