
BPI Directs Attention toward Sustainable Public Development in Central Java CFPP Area

• To provide alternative income, affected farm workers and farmers receive yet another social compensation 
• BPI periodically observes environmental impacts in Central Java CFPP area 

Wednesday, September 27, 2016 – PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia (BPI)’s contribution to the public affected by the construction of Central Java Coal Fired Power Plant (Central Java CFPP) is sustained by providing social compensation funds which were handed over in Karanggeneng village office, District of Kandeman, Batang Regency, Central Java Province, on Wednesday, (27/9). Social compensation is regularly conducted, targeting affected farmers and farm workers across affected villages around Central Java CFPP. 

BPI President Director, Takashi Irie said that the social compensation activity reflects a strong collaboration between BPI, Batang Regency Government, affected villages administrators which are Karanggeneng Village, Ujungnegoro Village and Ponowareng village administrators, banking institutions which ensured efficient fund disbursement as well as the entire public which has been highly cooperative. 

“BPI will always adhere to Environmental Impact Assessment (AMDAL) and pay attention to both social and environmental impacts on the people affected by the construction of the 2 x 1.000 MW PLTU Jawa Tengah. One of the activities that we hold on a regular basis is the social compensation disbursement which serves as an alternative income for their livelihood changing due to the land acquisition for power block area,” Irie said. 

BPI also consistently undertakes CSR initiatives aimed at realizing self-sufficient and economically empowered communities. The programs that the company formulated are supportive of and can enhance the development programs touted by the government. Thus the entire CSR activities are fine-tuned to the needs, are potential-based and aligned with government policies. 

Aside from social activities, BPI is also fully committed to keep a keen eye on environmental impacts of the construction of the Central Java CFPP which utilizes the Ultra Super Critical technology. Assisting with experienced environmental consultants, BPI periodically monitors changes and developments resulting from the project construction.  

Irie reiterated that the periodic observation is done to control and anticipate undesired environmental impacts. With the environmental survey activities, construction can proceed as planned and can be completed as expected. 

This year’s commemoration of the 71st National Power Day, carries the theme “Mewujudkan Catur Cita Ketenagalistrikan, Kecukupan, Kompetitif, Berkelanjutan, dan Merata untuk Menuju Indonesia Terang” (“Realizing the Four Aspirations of Electricity/Power, Sufficiency, Competitve, Sustainable, and Even Distribution toward a Bright Indonesia”). The theme is expected to serve as a momentum to realize economic independence through sufficient and even distribution of power across Indonesia to drive strategic economic sectors. 

In keeping with the commemoration and the theme, Irie hopes that the presence of Central Java CFPP can widely contribute and give far-reaching benefits. “Central Java CFPP is expected to be able to provide enormous benefits, not only for surrounding communities but also for Indonesia. The electricity supply from Central Java CFPP will support national energy supply, drive economic growth and promote investmentm especially in Batang and Central Java,” Irie explained.