BPI Won Special Award for The Best Environmentally-Concerned Company at IBEA 2016
Monday, October 17, 2016 – PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia (BPI) successfully received a Special Award : The Best Environmentally Concerned Company at Indonesia Best Electricity Award (IBEA) 2016 which held in commemoration of the 71st National Electricity Day this year. The award for the category was handed over by Expert Staff for Resource Sector Industry, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Dyah Winarni Poedjiwati, to BPI President Director Takashi Irie at Bidakara Hotel, Jakarta, Friday (14/10).
BPI won the award after having a series of research, appraisal, shortlisting and judging processes by a credible and independent team representing the electricity sector. Evaluation was focused on 5 main categories, observing a company’s best practices in building, providing and managing electricity to develop the economoy, business and the industry sustainably in Indonesia.
Special Award for The Best Environmentally Concerned Company had given to BPI as an appreciation for its strong commitment and implementation on utilizing environmentally friendly technology as well as advanced social and environmental impact management programs on Central Java CFPP 2 x 1,000 MW (Central java CFPP).
President Director Takashi Irie extended his appreciation for the award and trust in BPI. “We are grateful for the judging panel’s trust in BPI’s commitment to the application of environmentally-friendly technology and awareness for the social and environment managements for sustainable community development,” said after the awarding procession.

“We hope that the award will further motivate BPI to contribute and support the government’s fulfillment on national electricity demand. As a partner of the government, we have a commitment to ensuring a successful government program to realize the 35,000 power generating capacity,” Irie explained.
BPI is currently constructiing the Central Java CFPP (2X1000MW) in Batang Regency, Central Java Province which absorbs an incestment of US$ 4.2 billion. The power plant is designed using the Japanese Ultra Super Critical (USC) technology which is more efficient and more environmentally friendly. USC steam conditions provide much higher thermal efficiency than conventional steam conditions, such as subcritical and supercritical so that lower coal consumption rates, which in turn, lowers emissions. Furthermore, Low NOx burner in fuel combustion process, Fabric Filter and FGD (Flue-Gas Desulphurization) in flue gas treatment process are utilized respectively. Central Java CFPP will be a showcase of the latest high efficient and more environmentally friendly power generation technology in Indonesia.

Not only applying such advanced and environmental friendly technologies, BPI has also committed and implemented a number of activities under its Environmental Management Program and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives, which intend to mitigate social and environmental impacts of the project as well as to stimulate economic development of local communities. As an example, to mitigate land provision impacts, BPI has provided a 32-ha replacement land for 218 affected tenant farmers, employing the right-of-use system. For each affected farmers can cultivate 1200 m2 replacement land and the 1st block has already enjoyed its first harvest. Furthermore, BPI also provides fish aggregating devices (FAD) for fisherman.
A number of community development programs have also been carried out and will continue to be improved for the development of an independent and sustainable society. One of the programs is initiating Community Business Group (KUB) through CSR program, which currently has reached 105 KUB with total member 1685 person with various type of business, especially in the affected villages. In addition BPI also continues to provide training and mentoring programs for the community.
In CSR programs BPI also concerned on other aspect such as education, economic development, social culture and environment, health, and infrastructure. Those aspects are implemented based on need, local socio-culture condition, area prospect and supporting government program. "One of our company's mission is to harmonize with the environment and the communities where the project is, we hope that the existence of Central Java CFPP can contribute not only in the national electricity supply, but also on the development and empowerment of local communities," said Irie.