
Building Partnerships Through Libraries

PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia (BPI), through its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Program in education, has again shown its commitment to the affected village communities by providing a set of computers and reading books, on Wednesday (1/11) in Batang. Assistance was provided for 5 newly formed village libraries (perpusdes) which are part of the Perpuseru program in partnership with the Batang District Library & Archives Office (Perpusda) and the Coca-Cola Foundation Indonesia (CCFI). In addition, village library management volunteers have also received training on library development strategy management, computer training and the internet for library management.

Since the end of 2015, BPI has collaborated with Regional Library and CCFI to start the Perpuseru Program in Ujungnegoro and Karanggeneng villages and until now has initiated and supported 10 village libraries in CJPP affected villages. The 5 (five) village libraries that received assistance on last Wednesday (1/11), namely, the Mentari Village Library of Ponowareng, Cerdas Ceria Village Library Wonokerso Village, the Cahaya Pustaka Village Library in Simbangjati Village, Cerdas Village Library in Kenconorejo Village, and  Village Library for Taman Ilmu Tulis Village. Previously, there were 2 village libraries that were formed, namely the Miftahul Ilmi Village Library of Karanggeneng, and Jendela Ilmu Village Library in Ujungnegoro Village. Meanwhile, 3 other village libraries in the process of preparation to be fully optimized for community activities at the end of 2016. 

Bhayu Pamungkas (Manager CSR PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia), menyerahkan bantuan seperangkat komputer kepada Darsani (Kepala Desa Ponowareng) untuk  Perpusdes Mentari, Desa Ponowareng, Kecamatan Tulis, Kabupaten Batang
This program is a form of partnership between BPI and various parties. The Village Library also receives books on various kinds of knowledge, guidance and monitoring from the Batang Regency Regional Library. In addition, the community and village officials also took part and showed their commitment to be involved in this program by providing infrastructure and installing the internet. Various programs initiated creatively and innovatively by administrators and managers have made the boring impression that is often attached to libraries has begun to turn into a fun learning center. Administrators and managers creatively and innovatively facilitate youth, empowerment of family welfare, school children in the form of organizing basic computer training activities, marketing products online, accessing health information, skills etc.
Bhayu Pamungkas (Manager CSR PT BPI) menyerahan bantuan seperangkat komputer kepada Amat Rochim (Kepala Desa Simbangjati), di Balaidesa Simbangjati (01/10/2016) disaksikan oleh Tri Haryadi Sudaryanto, dan Ketua Perpusdes Cahaya Pustaka Desa Simbangjati. 
Takashi Irie, President Director of PT BPI said “This program is a partnership program with the main objective of providing easier access for the public to obtain information, science and technology so that it can provide sustainable benefits. In addition, in its implementation, various parties contribute to each other such as the Regional Library as the main supervisor, CCFI as program supervision and the village government which is committed to providing internet infrastructure facilities, etc., so that the success of this program is a shared responsibility ". In the end, the program is expected to improve the quality of life of the community through efforts to transform public libraries into innovative community learning centers, based on information & communication technology activities and services in libraries.