BPI Inaugurates Village Library in Five Village by the Construction of Central Java CFPP

Batang, November 9, 2016 – in order to improve educational quality for the people in the areas affected by the construction of Central Java Coal Fired Power Plant (Central Java CFPP), PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia (BPI), today inaugurates the operation of Village Library (Perpudes) in five village which affected by Central Java CFPP project. The five villages are Ponowareng, Wonokerso, Kenconorejo, Simbangjati and Tulis. Currently BPI has built seven village libraries. The inauguration is done by The Vice Regent of Batang, H. Soetadi and Director Operational of BPI, Shiroki Yamashita in Ponowareng village library.
The Village Library (Perpudes) is part of BPI’s commitment for improving people’s quality of life, through economic empowerment programs or social activities. Currently BPI Director of Operations Shiroki Yamashita at the inauguration of the Village Library in Ponowareng Village said that the development of Ponowareng Village Library is part of BPI’s commitment to build same facilities in affected villages. Ponowareng Village Library is the seventh village library built by BPI in Batang area.

The presence of the Village Library is expected to provide a place for communities, both of children, teenager, and adults, to interact and obtain various activities to enhance their knowledge as well as information.
“This village library has to be able to become an asset for community to enhance better knowledge and education. People in Ponowareng village have to become more literate so they would not be left behind,” said Yamashita in Batang (9/11).
In realizing the development of the Village Libraries in areas affected by PLTU Jawa Tengah, BPI collaborates with Coca Cola Foundation Indonesia and Batang Library Archive since November 2015.
“We would like to extend our gratitude for the support of BPI’s partners, that share our vision and mission to support the advancement and self-sufficiency of the public. Moving forward, we hope that this partnership will solidify, thus many more areas will be able to enjoy the Village Library facility,”

Yamashita added that BPI plans to build another 6 village libraries in several villages around Central Java CFPP area. Bringing the number of Village Libraries to a total of 13 village library. In Batang Regency, currently there are 22 Village Libraries in various villages in Batang.
On the same occasion, The Vice Regent of Batang, H. Soetadi, SH., MM, extend his gratitude to BPI for its initiation to build village library in Ponowareng village, District of Tulis, Batang Regency. He said that BPI has implemented one of education program which mandated in the 1945 Constitution. "BPI has implemented the nation vision and the President Nawacita program, education for the nation and developing the community.”
Soetadi also give his best advised that what has been given by BPI should be used in a good manner, in order to improve the knowledge and quality of education. He also mentioned that all village officers should actively participate in a similar program to encourage and give them support in optimizing the similar program in order to improve the quality of peoples' education in Batang Regency. “My advised that the assistance of BPI should be on maximum utilization, to educate people in the affected village.” To succeed this program, Soetadi also request village officer involvement to promote the library so that people will actively participate on the village libraries I order to support learning.

Since the Environmental Impact Assessment (AMDAL) documents for the 2 x 1,000 MW PLTU Jawa Tengah was obtained, BPI has also been fully committed to reduce, minimize and mitigate the impacts of the construction and operation of the PLTU. As a commitment to the environment, PLTU Jawa Tengah will utilize Ultra Super Critical (USC) technology that is more efficient and environmentally friendly. The USC steam generates more intense heat efficiency compared to the sub critical and super critical, allowing lower coal consumption and emissions.
BPI’s strong commitment for a clean technology has led to the successful achievement as The Best Environmentally Concerned Company award on Indonesia Best Electricity Award (IBEA) 2016.
BPI is a joint venture comprising a consortium of three companies, i.e. Electric Power Development Co., Ltd. (“J-Power”), PT Adaro Power, entirely owned by Adaro Energy and Itochu Corporation (“Itochu”). The construction of PLTU Jawa Tengah project absorbed US$ 4.2 billion in investment.