
BPI Inaugurates Village Library in the Location Affected by Central Java Coal Fired Power Plant Construction

Batang, December 15th - In order to improve the knowledge and to support quality of education in the region affected by the power plant in Central Java, PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia (BPI) inaugurated the operation of three village libraries, Perpuseru program in the area around the power plant, which is Bakalan, Beji, and Wringingintung. 

The inauguration and handover for three units computer for the village libraries attended by Operational Director of BPI, Shiroki Yamashita and Batang Regional Secretary, Drs H Nasikhin MH, at Bakalan Village Hall, District Kandeman, on Thursday (15/12). 
(Kanan-Kiri) Ketua Perpusdes Desa Bakalan, Anang Ary Bowo, menerima bantuan komputer dari COO PT BPI Shiroki Yamashita,didampingi Edmyardi (GM HRGA PT BPI), Drs Nasikhin (Sekda Kabupaten Batang), dan Tri Haryadi (Kepala Perpusda Kabupaten Batang).
The activity is a series of BPI CSR activities program in education in cooperation with the Regional Office of Libraries & Archives (KPADs) Batang and Coca Cola Foundation Indonesia (CCFI) within the scope of the program PerpuSeru which aims to make the library as a center of learning and activities based on society and information technology communication, with the aim to have an impact on improving quality of life.

Since 2015 until present, BPI along with its partners has been replicated Perpuseru program in ten villages around power plant area, namely Karanggeneng, Ujungnegro, Ponowareng, Wonokerso, Kenconorejo, Write, Simbangjati, Beji, Wringingintung and Bakalan. This program through the CSR program supports any education activity in each phases of the program, like Socialization, Training Library Development, Basic Computer Training Centre, Procurement of a computer, books donation, etc.

"We hope at least there will be 13 libraries in the near future, in thevillages around the power plant that will be transformed into community learning centers based oninformation technology and communication. These programs not only providing computers and internet facilities, but also provide training for the community, mentoring, and guidance on how to utilize technology to create economic opportunities and improving skills," Shiroki Yamashita explained. 

Pengurus Perpusdes Wringin Gintung, Siti Arofah menerima bantuan buku dari Drs Nasikhin (Sekda Kabupaten Batang, didampingi (Kanan-Kiri) Bhayu Pamungkas (CSR Manager PT BPI), Siti Arofah (penerima bantuan), Drs Nasikhin (menyerahkan bantuan), Shiroki Yamashita (COO PT BPI), Edmyardi (GM HRGA PT BPI), dan Tri Haryadi (Kepala Perpusda Kabupaten Batang).



Direktur Operasional PT BPI, Shiroki Yamashita, menerima ucapan selamat dari Sekda Kabupaten Batang, Drs Nasikhin.


Camat Kandeman, Supardi, memotong pita peresmian dibukanya Perpusdes Desa Bakalan, yang disaksikan oleh COO PT BPI, Shiroki Yamashita, Edmyardi (GM HRGA PT BPI),  Drs NAsikhin (Sekda Kabupaten Batang), dan Tri Haryadi (Kepala Perpuda Kabupaten Batang).
Drs Nasikhin (Sekda Kabupaten Batang) sedang mencoba komputer bantuan dari PT BPI, disaksikan Shiroki Yamashita (COO PT BPI), Ahmad Rohman (Kades Bakalan), dan Tri Haryadi (Kepala Perpusda Kabupaten Batang), usai peresmian perpusdes.
PENJELASAN—Pengurus perpusdes Desa Bakalan, menjelaskan kepada Drs Nasikhin (Sekda Kabupaten Batang), Shiroki Yamashita (COO PT BPI), dan Ahmad Rohman (Kepala Desa Bakalan) di kantor Perpusdes Sasana Widya Cemerlang, Desa Bakalan, Kecamatan Kandeman.