Entering the Final Phase of Social Compensation, BPI Emphasize Its Commitment Through Replacement Land

Batang, January 25th, 2017 - PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia (BPI) affirm its commitment to the community through a number of programs to addressing social impact on Central Java Coal Fired Power Plant (CJ CFPP) project, one through social compensation and providing replacement land. Social compensation has been redistributed since October 2015 to more than 700 affected farmers which now entering the final stages, today (25/01) at the village office Ujungnegoro, District Kandeman, Batang Regency.
“This social compensation is temporary, for the affected farmers, due to the long-term there is replacement land which today have been handed over to the affected tenant farmers since June 2016 and, they’re already worked in their replacement land, even some already enjoy the harvest," said Shiroki Yamashita, Director of Operations BPI currently attended in person on the activities. Furthermore, he explained that the social compensation and replacement land is a series of programs that have been implemented to provide additional income for affected farmers.
The total area of replacement land provided to affected farmers up to 32 hectares located in Sembojo village for 218 affected tenant farmers, where each can work on the area of 1,200 m2. This replacement land was given to the rights of use so that they can work on the land without rent the land or sharing their income. "They can enjoy the entire harvest of the land for themselves,” said Yamashita.
Yamashita also explained that BPI is also committed for supporting community development through various programs that have been prepared. Including training for motivational and entrepreneurship as recently implemented in CSR activities. Since 2013 BPI has been actively encourage the development of Community Business Group (KUB) in various affected villages in the surrounding area of CJ CFPP project which has currently reached 122 KUB. Various business units was initiated by KUB ranging from business services, food, laundry, produce, craft items, credit unions and various other businesses.
In addition to farmers, BPI also prepared a special program for the fishermen, for example through the installation of a fish apartment that serves as an artificial habitat. This is done to restore the less productive fishing areas that are expected to increase fish production and sustainable use by fishermen.
Meanwhile, Takashi Irie, President Director of BPI expects the various programs that have been initiated by the BPI can be utilized optimally by the entire community.
"Social programs are designed to suit the needs of the community and we hope to provide benefits to the surrounding communities," he said. Furthermore he hoped the presence of CJ CFPP which currently in the process of construction can give positive contribution for the people’s welfare. "We hope the presence of the power plant in Central Java can be in harmony with the surrounding community," he said.