Welcoming Eid al-Fitr, BPI Distributes Zakat for Batang Society

BATANG, June 20, 2017 - In order to celebrate Eid al-Fitri 1438 H, PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia distributes zakat to the community in Batang, Central Java. A total of 750 kilograms of rice will be distributed to people eligible to receive zakat in Karanggeneng, Ujungnegoro and Ponowareng villages.
"The distribution of zakat is one of BPI's social activities during Ramadhan 2017 in the affected villages around PLTU Central Java," said GM External Relation of BPI Ary Wibowo.
This series of activities is a form of concern of Central Java Coal Fired Power Plant (CJ CFPP) to the surrounding community as well as participate in enlivening Ramadhan 2017.
The zakat rice distributed to the community is brought directly from the rice mills to the village halls respectively to be distributed directly to the recipients. The distribution of rice will be done directly together with local village officials to be accepted to the people who entitled to receive.
The event is a series of social activities conducted by BPI. Previously, BPI also held Khataman Al-Quran program held at Islamic Boarding School Jurang Jero, Bakalan Village, Batang, on June 8, 2017. Khataman Al-Quran was conducted with about 40 students and BPI employees.
In addition, BPI also held a Clean Mosque program by cleaning 36 village mosques. Furthermore, through these events, it is hoped that the relationship between BPI and the community can continue to be established. The close relationship between BPI and the community is believed to form a synergistic relationship for mutual progress.
"All the systems are from the community and for society. Those villages are neighbors of Batang power plant project, and we want to be good neighbors," said Ary.