
BPI Held Entrepreneurship Training

BATANG, November 15, 2017 - PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia (BPI) holds entrepreneurship training for community in Batang, Central Java. The training entitled "Entrepreneurship Motivation in Developing Independent Enterprises for Micro Enterprise Groups (MEG)" is part of BPI's commitment to empowering the surrounding community's economy.
This activity is one of BPI's commitments to develop a sustainable micro business community in dealing with the multiplier economic effect of the development of Batang power plant," said CSR Manager BPI Bhayu Pamungkas. The event which was held at Hotel Dewi Ratih was attended by 124 participants. This entrepreneurship training was opened by Section Head of Supervision and Accountability of Cooperative and SME Sector, Department of Trade Industry Cooperative and SME, Batang Regency, Kusnadi.
This entrepreneurship training is carried out as part of CSR program in the field of economic development together with education and training institution KJK LDP Bina Mandiri as local partner of BPI. Through the training program, the number of Micro Entrepreneurs Groups (MEG) built by BPI continues to grow. Since 2013 until now, there are 153 MEGs built by BPI with 2,265 members. "This training is expected to improve the capacity of the community, in this case is MEG members," Bhayu said.
In line with the growing number of MEGs as well as the increasingly diverse business variations, a number of trainings were also provided to enhance the members' capabilities. The business groups have various business activities such as handicraft production, processed foods, to savings and loan services. BPI has supported MEG among others include group assistance, administration, production facilities, capital and marketing network (offtaker).
This entrepreneurship motivation training is the third time since 2014. The training delivered by Pesantren Modern Pesantren Tazakka Bandar, Batang namely KH. Anang Riqza Masyahadi, LC. MA. and KH. Anizar Masyahadi LC. In his material, Anang Riqza advised that every effort should be balanced with worship in order to get ease in trying. "Through the effort made also we share the good that will return to goodness to the owner of his business," said Anang Riqza.