BPI Organizes Blood Donation
BATANG, February 6, 2017 - PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia (BPI) organizes blood donation activities for employees and contractors workers in order to National Safety and Health Month Programs. The activity is part of BPI's commitment for the community around Central Java Coal-Fired Power Plant Project area.
Through the blood donation activity is expected to encourage employees as well as the community for sharing to others. The event with the theme "Our Blood Are Beneficial For Them" was attended by 100 employees of BPI and 100 workers of PLTU contractors.
In addition to the Central Java PLTU office, the activities in cooperation with the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) of Batang Regency were also held partially in eight libraries built by BPI, namely Perpusdes Sembojo, Kedungsegog, Wringingintung, Tulis, Kenconorejo, Ujungnegoro, Beji, and Wonokerso. Blood donation in each Perpusdes is followed by local residents.
This blood donation is organized in conjunction of Occupational Safety and Health Month (K3) campaign commemorated every 12 January - 12 February. It’s theme in 2018 "Through the Culture of Safety and Health (K3) to encourage and build a nation with character ". This is also in line with the spirit of BPI which always put safety and health in everyday activities.