BPI Held Motivation and Skills Training for Hundreds of Entrepreneurs in Batang

BATANG, 18 April 2018 - PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia (BPI) has reaffirmed its commitment to contribute to the development of communities around the Central Java Coal-Fired Power Plant (PLTU) in Batang Regency, Central Java. One of them is by holding entrepreneurial motivation training for Micro Enterprise Group (KUB) in Batang, Central Java, today, Wednesday (18/4).
COO of BPI Shiroki Yamashita said the motivation and skills training for 120 entrepreneurs was part of the company's commitment to empowering the community so that it could improve the economy in Batang and its surroundings.
"We are very proud to be able to take an active role in encouraging the development of community micro businesses, one of which is through this training. In the future, this is expected to increase the motivation and ability of the community to go further, "said Shiroki Yamashita, Wednesday (18/4).
Through this entrepreneurial motivation program, it is hoped that it can create independent and skilled entrepreneur individuals. Besides that, it is also able to increase the capacity and quality of the community, especially MEG members.
Yamashita explained that the training entitled "Spiritual Motivation for Entrepreneurship in Building an Independent and Religious Business" involved BPI's local partners, namely the Bina Mandiri Financial Services Cooperative Training Institute and 3 Microfinance institutions in Ujungnegoro, Karanggeneng, and Ponowareng Villages. Meanwhile, the entrepreneurial training material was delivered by Tony Eryanto as the motivator and leader of the Upgrading Training Center Semarang, Central Java.
As for the entrepreneurial training, this time it presents MEG member farmers who have received BPI facilities ranging from formation, capital assistance, production facilities and assistance. BPI also consistently holds training for MEG members according to the type of business it runs, such as sewing training, making snacks, laundry services.
"The training is a form of company consistency in improving the quality of human resources (HR) around the area of our project development. Through this training, it is expected to encourage community initiatives to run their own business by taking advantage of existing opportunities and a more innovative approach, "said Yamashita.
Environmental insight education is also BPI's target
Not only focusing on community economic development, BPI is also consistent in improving public education, especially students. In welcoming World Earth Day, BPI held an Environmental Poster Creation Competition which was attended by 54 students who were representatives of 9 Adiwiyata Schools around the Central Java CFPP.
The Environmental Poster Creation Contest is a series of programs implemented as BPI's commitment to support environmentally cultured school programs to raise awareness of the environment and create environmentally friendly schools. Until 2017, BPI has added 4 schools so that a total of 9 schools have received assistance to go to Adiwiyata school. In addition, BPI also supports schools in Batang Regency that have been awarded Adiwiyata in the form of assistance.
"We strongly support community education by carrying out various activities that can enhance the creativity of students by creating an Environmental Poster Creation Contest. Besides being creative, we also want to foster students' love for the environment, "concluded Yamashita.