

Batang, June 8, 2018 - The month of Ramadan becomes special because it is also the month of the holy Qur'an. Glorifying Ramadan, PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia (BPI) also supports activities in the community as well as Khataman (recital) Al Quran with the community and students at Pondok Pesantre Jurang Jero, Bakalan Village, Kandeman District, Batang Regency, Thursday (7/6). Activities are regularly held every year is closed with a breaking fast followed by more than 50 people.
Management of Pondok Pesantren Jurang Jero, Ustad Asrofi expressed his gratitude and expectation that through various activities performed in Ramadhan can be worship and blessing. "Ramadhan is a good time for doing good and worship, hopefully after Ramadan this spirit does not fade," said Ustad Asrofi. 
In addition, BPI also distributed 750 kg of zakat fitrah (rice donation) for 3 affected villages around Central Java Coal-Fired Power Plant Project 2x1000 MW (CJPP) area, Ujungnegoro, Ponowareng and Karanggeneng villages. The handover of zakat is channeled through each village's device on Friday (8/6).
General Manager of External Relations, Ary Wibowo said, "The procurement of rice (for zakat) also comes from local farmers around site area and for the distribution we also entrust to the village who manage it, so it will be more appropriate." Zakat distribution is also a form of corporate concern to share to the surrounding community.
Previously, the series of Ramadhan activities with the community has been started with clean mosque activities and the provision of Al Quran to the mosque around the CJPP area.
The entire Ramadan program is a series of activities that are jointly arranged and undertaken with the community. "These activities are a form of our response to the proposed activities of the community, so it is expected to be more beneficial to the surrounding community." Furthermore, Ary expects through Ramadan momentum this year, good relations with the community can be further enhanced through synergy in various activities.