

Batang, June 7, 2018 - In relation with PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia (BPI)'s commitment to support Batang's public health development, BPI held training for medical personnel in two sub-districts, Kandeman and Tulis sub-districts, on Thursday (7/6). The activity was located in the halls of Puskesmas of Tulis sub-district, followed by 31 medical personnel including doctors and village midwives.
The training theme of "Acute Respiratory infection (ISPA) from the Environmental and Sanitation Viewpoint" coincidentally held to commemorate the World Environment Day on June 5th.
Training activities are delivered by expert speakers Dr. dr. Daru Lestantyo, MSi as Lecturer from Faculty of Public Health University of Diponegoro (UNDIP) and dr. H. Zunuron, as Chief of Health Service on Batang Regency Health Office.
Since 2015, this activity has become a regular program and collaboration between PT BPI and Batang Health Office in addition to support improvement of public health. In 2017 until present, BPI y partnering with Indonesian Family Planning Association (PKBI) Central Java in cooperation in BIMA SEMBADA program. The program is implemented in 14 villages affected by Central Java Coal-Fired Power Plant Project (CJPP) 2 x 1000 MW and is a partnership program that mobilizes elements of community and village resources to create a health promoting village in order to create a clean, prosperous, healthy and empowered community.
One of the midwives participant’s Annidan Unnajah, Amd. Keb., reveals that she is very hopeful through the material given to expand her knowledge and understanding of ISPA, as one of the most encountered cases in the community.
Shiroki Yamashita as Operational Director of BPI who attended on the event expressed his expectation that this activity can improve and strengthen the competence of health personnel. Furthermore, this capacity building will certainly help medical personnel to play an active role in addressing issues or issues of environmental health in the community.