MI Ujungnegoro 02 Won Adiwiyata at the National Level

Adiwiyata School assisted by PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia, Ujungnegoro 02 Islamic Elementary School (MI), Ujungnegoro Village, Kandeman Subdistrict, Batang Regency, won an award as the National Adiwiyata School.
The award was given directly by Bambang Hendroyono, Secretary General of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia in the building of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia, Jakarta (21/12). This success is one form of synergy between Bhimasena Power, the Community, the Batang Regency Environmental Service, the Batang District National Education Service, and the Batang Regency Ministry of Religion.
MI Ujungnegoro 02 is one of 279 schools throughout Indonesia that won the award as a National Level Adiwiyata School, along with 117 Independent Level of Adiwiyata schools. The Minister of Environment and Forestry, Siti Nurbaya Bakar advised that the Adiwiyata School program should continue to be maintained and its number and benefits be increased.
"The Adiwiyata program is a program to create caring and environment based schools, which aims to create school citizens who are responsible for environmental protection and management efforts through good school governance to support sustainable development," said Siti Nurbaya Bakar, in his remarks on the awarding of the School Adiwiyata is national and independent level in Jakarta on Friday (12/21)
Meanwhile, Sugiarto, S.Pd. SD., Head of MI Ujungnegoro 02 school claimed to be very proud of the award he received. "The National Adiwiyata Award that we received was a whip for us to be able to achieve the Independent Level Adiwiyata. We also express our gratitude to all parties, both PT BPI, Provisi Education, DLH and the Ministry of Religion of the Batang Regency for supporting them so far. "Sugiarto said, after receiving the award.
According to COO PT BPI, Shiroki Yamashita, Adiwiyata School is one of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs that has been carried out since 2016. MI Ujungnegoro 02 is one of 9 Adiwiyata Schools built around the construction of the Central Java CFPP 2 x 1,000 MW. Four of them have already achieved the Regency level Adiwiyata school and four other schools have reached the Provincial level.
Shiroki Yamashita hopes that in the future there must be someone who can follow in the footsteps of MI Ujungnegoro 02 who can win the National Level Adiwiyata School award. Moreover, there have been 4 other PT BPI schools that have achieved Provincial level awards.