Welcoming Ramadhan, PT BPI Held Clean Prayer Room Program

BATANG — Welcoming the coming the holy month of Ramadan, PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia painted and cleaned the mosque and prayer room around the construction of the Batang CFPP 2 X 1,000 MW, as a form of the company's commitment to social society.
"The clean prayer room program around the Batang power plant has been running for the past three years, and thank God it has received positive responses from the community around the power plant development," said Shiroki Yamashita, Chief Operational Officer of PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia.
Further explained, that this activity is a form of company commitment as outlined in the EIA. During the month of Ramadan, PT BPI will also hold Nuzulul Qur’an and the distribution of Zakat Fitrah. "Since 2017, there have been more than 100 Prayer Rooms and Mosques in 16 villages around the Batang power plant that have received this program," explained Yamashita.
Meanwhile, Cahyono, Secretary of Beji Village said that for three periods PT BPI has provided assistance and care for the prayer rooms and Mosques in its area. This assistance is very useful for the community, especially the Muslim community who will soon be doing the Fasting Service.
"We do not see the amount given by PT BPI, but their concern and contribution to the community, especially Muslims, is very meaningful and helpful for the Prayer Rooms and Mosque organizers. "Cahyono said.
The assistance in the form of paint and other supporting infrastructure was given symbolically by PT BPI to Eldest Annas, the management of Prayer Room Al-Islah and Basuki, the administrators of Prayer Room Al Istiqomah Beji Village. Assistance was provided by Ary Wibowo, witnessed by the Beji Village Government, Tulis and Kandeman Districts, Koramil Tulis and the police of Tulis.
Meanwhile, for the Al Misbah Mosque of PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia, during Ramadan it has an Islamic Study program which will be held twice a week. Besides holding tarawih pray, every day the Al Misbah Mosque also provides Ta'jil for fasting. As for breaking the fast together, it will be held in conjunction with Islamic Studies event. (*)