School Assisted by Bhimasena Power won the Best Adiwiyata Award at the Provincial Level

SALATIGA — The Adiwiyata school under the guidance of PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia won the second best predicate at the Adiwiyata school in Central Java province. The award was given directly by the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, in Salatiga, in commemoration of World Environment Day, 17 July 2019.
The success that achieved by SMP Negeri 2 Tulis is one form of synergy between PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia and the District Government of Batang through the CSR program. The Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo advised that all business owners
are expected to work together with the government to protect the environment, as a form of shared responsibility.
"All parties are equally responsible for protecting the environment around us. So that the synergy between the community, business people and the government is expected to run optimally, in improving environmental conditions, "said Ganjar Pranowo, Wednesday (07/17)
Meanwhile, Sugiyono, S. Pd, M. Si., School Principal of SMP Negeri 2 Tulis, Tulis District, Batang Regency is very proud of the achievements achieved by the school. This proves the success of cooperation and real work between institutions, both PT BPI, Department of Environment & Forestry (DLHK) Batang District and schools very well.
The same was conveyed by Agus Riyadi, Head of the Department of Environment & Forestry (DLHK) of Batang Regency, that PT BPI's CSR program greatly assisted the local government in implementing the Adiwiyata School program. Through PT BPI's CSR program, the Adiwiyata School program in Batang District can compete at the provincial and national levels.
"Alhamdulillah, the synergy between DLHK Batang Regency and PT BPI has been able to produce Adiwiyata schools that are performing at both the Provincial and National levels. "Stressed Agus Riyadi, after attending the Commemoration of World Environment Day, in Salatiga, Wednesday (07/17).
Agus Riyadi added, besides the second best award at Adiwiyata School, which was won by SMP Negeri 2 Tulis, an environmental activist from Batang District, Nur Rohadi won the first best award for Kalpataru recipient in the category of Environmental Trustees. Nur Rohadi, who is commonly called Suwung, is also a partner of PT BPI's CSR program for the SIBAT program in collaboration with PMI Batang Regency.
Meanwhile, PT BPI's Senior Manager of CSR, Bhayu Pamungkas explained that since 2016 Adiwiyata School began to be developed and implemented in schools around the Batang CFPP 2 x 1,000 MW. Thanks to the full support of the Batang Regency, DLHK, the Adiwiyata School program was able to run at its maximum and succeeded in achieving provincial and national rankings.
In addition to Adiwiyata School, CSR of PT BPI also partnered with the PMI of Batang Regency for the rehabilitation or beach restoration program with SIBAT under the guidance of Nur Rohadi, who won the First Rank Kalpataru at the provincial level in the category of Environmental Guidance.
"The Ujungnegoro 2 Madrasah Ibtidaiyah School (MI), Ujungnegoro Village, Kandeman District, Batang Regency has won the National Adiwiyata School in 2018, and is currently heading to the Adiwiyata school on an independent level." Explained Bhayu Pamungkas .