PT BPI Once Again Receives an Award as a Literacy Concern Company

BATANG — PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia's concern about literacy in Batang Regency, through its CSR program increasing literacy, has again won an award. This time the award was given by the Batang District Library and Archives Service, as the company most concerned with literacy.
Appreciation and award for PT BPI as the company most concerned with literacy was handed over directly by the Secretary of the Central Java Province Library and Archives Office, Andriani, SP., to Bhayu Pamungkas, CSR Senior Manager of PT BPI. The award was presented at the Gemilang Nugra Jasa Dharma Library 2019 event, Disperpuska Batang, Friday (02/08).
The Regent of Batang, Wihaji, greatly appreciated the creative and educative activities as well as the appreciation of literacy activists in the Batang District area organized by the Batang District Library and Archives Service.
"Appreciation of literacy activists is both an inspiration and an example for others, so that literacy culture is higher and for the progress of Batang Regency," explained Wihaji, Regent of Batang.
Meanwhile, Bhayu Pamungkas, Senior Manager of PT BPI also conveyed his appreciation to the Batang Regency Government, through the Library and Archives Service who has given appreciation awards as a Company Concerned with Literacy.
"This award is a form of successful synergy between the company and the local government, including community leaders, so that the CSR program of PT BPI can run well and optimally," Bhayu Pamungkas explained.
In addition, there are seven village libraries assisted by PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia's CSR program, which also received appreciation from the 2019 Nugra Jasa Dharma Pustaloka award, namely:
No |
Village Library |
Village |
Category |
1 |
Sasana Widya Cemerlang |
Bakalan Village |
The Best Enterprising Literacy |
2 |
Perpusdes Mentari |
Ponowareng Village |
The Best Community Engangement |
3 |
Perpusdes Griya Pustaka |
Beji Village |
The Best Documentation and Report |
4 |
Perpusdes Cerdas |
Kenconorejo Village |
Inpack Story |
5 |
Perpusdes Bahrul Ulum |
Ujungnegoro Village |
Inpack Story |
6 |
Perpusdes Gayung Pintar |
Sembojo Village |
Inpack Story |
7 |
Taman Ilmu |
Tulis Village |
Inpack Story |
The Chair of Sasana Widya Cemerlang Library, Bakalan Village, also expressed his gratitude to all parties, so that the Bakalan Village library was able to get several appreciation of the 2019 Nugra Jasa Dharma Pustaloka award in several categories.
"This award is not an award belonging to the Bakalan library, but belongs to all Bakalan people who have fully supported the existence of the library. Including the Batang District Government, Disperpuska and PT BPI who have fully supported this library program.
Since 2015, PT BPI has implemented a literacy program in partnership with Disperpuska Batang and Coca-Cola Foundation Indonesia (CCFI). One of them is replicating the Peruseru Program in 15 villages and 33 Mini Libraries in the Al-Qur’an Education School in the village area affected by Central Java 2 x 1000 MW.
In this program, PT BPI through its CSR program in Education supports every stage of the library development program activities such as Socialization, Library Development Strategy Training, Internet Computer Basic Training, Computer Procurement, Projector Aid, Assistance and Donation of reading books that have been given to each Perpusdes and a mini library of the Al-Qur’an Education School.