3 Adiwiyata School that Assisted by PT BPI Achieves the Predicate of the Provincial Level of Adiwiyata School

SEMARANG — Three Adiwiyata schools assisted by PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia (PT BPI), SMP Negeri 2 Tulis, SD Negeri 1 Ponowareng and SD Negeri 1 Ujungnegoro have won the title of Adiwiyata School in Central Java Province. The award was given directly by the Head of the Central Java Provincial Environment and Forestry Service (DLHK), Ir. Teguh Dwi Paryono, MT., At the Sasana Widya Praja Building, BPSDM Semarang, Friday (13/09).

According to the Head of DLHK for Central Java Province, Ir Teguh Dwi Paryono, MT., The Adiwiyata School program is a joint national program across related ministries, which is an environment-based school whose implementation is through an early learning approach from elementary to high school levels.

"All Adiwiyata Schools that reach the Provincial Level will all be included at an even higher level, namely the National Adiwiyata School." Teguh said Dwi Paryono, after giving the award to the school principals who won the Provincial Adiwiyata School, Friday (09/13).

It was further explained that in 2019, there were 89 Adiwiyata Schools in all Central Java Provinces that had won the Adiwiyata Provincial Level predicate. DLHK Provincial and Regency / City will continue to provide assistance to the national level, the independent level and the ASEAN level. 

Principal of SMP Negeri 2 Tulis, Abdulah Fatah, admitted that he was very proud of the title of the Adiwiyata School at the Provincial Level that the school he led was able to achieve. Because this is a whip for schools to be able to further improve even better performance.
"This award is the result of the hard work of all parties, including schools, PT BPI, DLHK Batang Regency and other related agencies. We express our gratitude for their support and assistance to all parties, so that we can achieve the title of Provincial Level Adiwiyata School.” said Abdullah Fatah, after receiving the award, Friday (13/09).
The same thing was conveyed by Mohamad Arief Rohman, Principal of SD Negeri 1 Ponowareng, who hoped that PT BPI would continue to support his school so that it could achieve national, independent and ASEAN predicate.
"Thank you very much for the support from all parties, both teachers, students, parents of students, PT BPI, DLHK Batang District and other related agencies, our school was able to win the title of Provincial Level Adiwiyata School." Said Mohamad Arief Rohman, after receiving the award, Friday (13 / 09).
Since 2016, PT BPI's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has supported the Adiwiyata School program in the area surrounding the construction of the 2 x 1,000 MW Central Java CFPP in Batang Regency. Until 2019, there have been 9 Adiwiyata Schools assisted by PT BPI and one of them has won the National Adiwiyata School, namely MI Ujungnengoro 02.
Meanwhile, seven other provincial level Adiwiyata Schools are currently heading for the National Adiwiyata School. Meanwhile, one other school has just won the Adiwiyata School at the Regency Level.
"We would like to thank all parties, both schools, DLHK Batang Regency and other agencies that have fully supported PT BPI's CSR program, so that they are able to compete at the provincial and national levels," said Bhayu Pamungkas, CSR Senior Manager of PT BPI, Friday (13/09).