
CSR PT BPI Won 3 Awards at the ISDA 2019

 BATANG - PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia (PT BPI) won the 2019 Indonesia Sustainable Development Goals Award (ISDA). The award was received directly by the COO of PT BPI, Shiroki Yamashita at the Bidakara Hotel Jakarta, Friday (01/09).

PT BPI is able to compete with 88 companies in Indonesia participating in the selection of activities organized by the Corporate Forum for Community Development (CFCD) together with BAPPENAS and related Ministries / agencies. The award is given to the business sector in contributing to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Indonesia.
"This award is a testament to the existence of good cooperation and synergy between companies and local governments and community leaders. This award is a form of appreciation from CSR team who maximally goes to the community” Shiroki Yamashita, COO of PT BPI said after receiving the award.
It was further explained that PT BPI had won 3 awards from 3 categories that were included, namely the BIMA SEMBADA Program (Health Sector), the Prosperous Community Empowerment Cooperative Program (Economic Sector) and the Maju Bersama Kelompok Wanita Wirausaha (Economic Sector - Gender Equality).
"From 3 awards, PT BPI was able to win a Platinum award in the field of Economics-Gender Equality. Meanwhile, for the Health Sector and the Prosperous Community Empowered Cooperative program, they were able to win the Gold award,” explained Yamashita.
Apart from PT BPI, the 2019 ISDA PLATINUM category award was also received by Astra International Tbk., PT Antam Tbk., PT KPC, PT Pama Persada, PT Kideco, PT PLN Jateng-DIY, PT Pertamina Marketing Operation Region IV, PT Agincourt Resources, and etc.
Meanwhile, the BIMA SEMBADA program is a village-based health activation movement that has been implemented since 2016. The program is implemented in the form of the revitalization of the Village Health Forum (FKD), ODF, Independent Supplementary Food (PMT), infrastructure support and medical devices, capacity building for village health cadres and health center medical personnel.
The Prosperous Community Empowered Cooperative Program, is one of the CSR development programs in the economic sector through the establishment of 4 savings and loan cooperatives, one of which is a joint-responsibility cooperative based on the Grameen Bank pattern. This program has been running since 2013.
Meanwhile, the advanced program with entrepreneurial women groups is a special CSR program for women in 14 villages around the company. This program is one of the economic programs for gender equality.