
PT BPI CSR Won 3 Awards at the Nusantara CSR Award 2019

BATANG - PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia again won 3 prestigious awards in the 2019 Nusantara Award event organized by La Tofi School of CSR, in Jakarta. This award is a proof of public confidence in the CSR program, particularly the BIMA SEMBADA program, community economic empowerment and community involvement in handling waste.
The BIMA SEMBADA Program, community economic empowerment and community involvement in dealing with waste, has become a program that is relied on by PT BPI in the 2019 Nusantara Award event for all stakeholders.
The BIMA SEMBADA Program (Clean, Prosperous, Healthy, Community Empowered) is a village-based health strengthening movement that focuses on strengthening health cadres and revitalizing the Village Health Forum through capacity building activities and mentoring the Open Defecation Free program (ODF) and Wastewater Management System (SPAL), Family Medicinal Plants (TOGA), as well as Greening. From 2015 to 2018, BPI has provided training and mentoring to 6,945 people in 14 affected villages.
The Community Economic Empowerment Program is carried out through the Micro Enterprise Group Development Program (MEG), which is a strengthening of micro-businesses developed based on local needs, availability of market access, and supply chain feasibility to ensure business sustainability opportunities, until December 2018, 178 MEG with 2,536 members have been formed. people with various types of home production businesses, production services, savings and loans, services, livestock and fisheries. BPI consistently provides assistance, in the form of training, working capital and production facilities and other business support facilities. In line with the development of the MEG program, as well as to support community business development, BPI established and developed a Micro Finance Institution since 2013 consisting of two programs, namely the development of 3 Savings and Loans Cooperatives and a Partnership with KOMIDA (Grameen Bank Model).
Meanwhile, a waste management program for both organic and especially inorganic waste at the village level has been developed by the waste bank program in 14 villages. The establishment of 14 Village Waste Management has gone through a process stage carried out with the Environment Agency and the Batang Regency Waste Management Communication Forum Team.
"This award is a motivation for PT BPI to further improve and maintain good communication and synergize with the local government and communities around the construction of the Central Java CFPP 2 x 1000 MW in Batang Regency." Said Bhayu Pamungkas, Senior Manager of CSR of PT BPI after receiving the award at Jakarta, last Wednesday (18/09).
Bhayu Pamungkas also added that the BIMA SEMBADA Program itself has been carried out since 2017, while community involvement in handling waste has been carried out since 2015. Even before that, the BIMA SEMBADA program had also won the 2019 Indonesia Sustainable Development Goals Award (ISDA), which was held by the Corporate Forum for Community Development (CFCD) together with BAPPENAS and other relevant Ministries.
The award was also given to the Minister of Villages for Disadvantaged Areas and Transmigration for his success in encouraging the development of tourist villages through Village-Owned Enterprises and the Minister of Social Affairs in synergy between government and private programs in the CSR program.