Support Education Recovery from Covid-19 Impact CSR PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia Support Pursuing Education Package C
BATANG - PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia through its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program continues to assist the government in the context of economic, social and education recovery affected by Covid-19. In collaboration with the Padamu Negeri Community Learning Activity Center (PKBM), Bakalan Village, PT BPI supports the Equality Education program through the Non-Formal Education (PNF), the Package C Learning Group (Kejar) program.
Supporting Adequate and proper Package C Pursuing Education infrastructure facilities for educational places, the new Pursuing Package C students at PKBM Padamu Negeri exploded to more than 200 participants. "The desire of the people around the Batang CFPP 2 x 1000 MW construction project to take part in the Pursuit Package is very high." Said Jamsari, AMD., Head of PKBM Padamu Negeri.
Jamsari added, that for the 2020/2021 school year students at PKBM, especially for the Pursuing Package C program, experienced a tremendous increase. Currently there are 230 students spread across 3 study group (Rombel), namely 110 people in the Bakalan Class, 63 people in the Ponowareng Class and 53 from the Botolambat Village. The existence of the Batang Industrial Estate is one of the enthusiasm for residents to get a Package C certificate to be able to compete in the recruitment of local workers.
"Highest appreciation to PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia which has provided full support for the development of the world of non-formal education. Especially for the buffer area of Batang CFPP 2 x 1000 MW. "Said Jamsari, after giving direction to the students for learning during the pandemic period.
It was further explained, that currently PKBM has various programs, namely Equality, Literacy, Life Skills, Mini Lirbary (Community Reading Gardens / TBM) and already has 3 Study Groups (Rombel) in Pondok Pesantren Jurang Jero, Bakalan Village, Kandeman Sub District, Desa Ponowareng and Botolambat Village, Tulis Sub District
The Batang Regency Education and Culture Office through the Kandeman Regional Coordinator (Korwil), Daniel Adiwaskito, also conveyed the same thing that PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia's concern for education sector, both formal and informal, can be an example for other private companies in Batang Regency. .
"The need for education is an obligation for Batang residents in facing labor competition. Pursuing Education Program Package C is an option so that they can compete in meeting the needs of local workers in industrial areas which are currently in the progress of development. " Danis Adiwaskito said.
Meanwhile, the COO of PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia, Yoshimitsu Fujii explained that this activity is a form of the company's commitment to the program to increase the human resources (HR) of the community around the construction of Batang CFPP 2 x 1000 MW. Through the Equality Education program, PT BPI has helped improve the Batang District Human Development Index (IPM).
"The Package C Equality Education Program for communities around the construction of Batang CFPP 2 x 1000 MW, is a form of the company's commitment to improve human resources. We will always be in line with government programs to help the community. " Yoshimitsu Fujii said.
It was further explained, that in addition to providing non-formal education facilities and infrastructure for residents who participated in the Pursuing Package C program at PKBM Padamu Negeri, the company also conducted an assessment of data on school dropouts, survey & interviews of school-aged or non-school dropouts , and socialization of equality education programs.