
14 Villages that assisted by PT BPI Received Appreciation Climate Village Program (Proklim) from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry

BATANG — There are 21 villages in Batang Regency who received appreciation for their community initiatives in addressing climate change from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK). Of the 21 villages in Batang Regency that received appreciation for the community's initiative to implement the Climate Village Program (PROKLIM), 14 of them are villages assisted by PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia which are around the construction of Batang CFPP 2 x 1000 MW.

The Climate Village Program (PROKLIM) is a national program managed directly by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) in order to increase the involvement of the community and other stakeholders to strengthen their adaptation capacity to the impacts of climate change and reduce greenhouse gas / GHG emissions. This includes providing recognition of climate change adaptation and mitigation efforts that have been undertaken that can improve welfare at the local level in accordance with regional conditions.
Nanik Damiyati, S.Hut., M.Env, Head of the Environmental Damage Control Section, DLHK Central Java Province, said that PROKLIM's activities combine climate change adaptation and mitigation efforts at the site level by involving the active participation of the community. Apart from the community, personnel from the central government, local governments, the business community, universities and non-governmental organizations are also very important in the success of this program.
"The involvement of effective stakeholders and the management of knowledge on adaptation and mitigation of change at the site level is one of the important aspects of achieving climate change control targets at the national and global levels," said Nanik Damiyati, in a socialization event for the promotion of categories / nominations for the Climate Village Program in Pendopo. Batang Regency, 27 April 2021.
Meanwhile, Bhayu Pamungkas, Senior Manager CSR of PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia explained that PT BPI's CSR programs in 14 villages mostly support efforts to control climate change, such as waste management, stopping ODF, planting trees, etc. The achievement of the PROKLIM Program is a joint partnership effort between the community, government and the private sector.
"To find out the level of contribution of the climate village program to various activities in PT BPI's CSR, socialization and a survey of the latest conditions were carried out to the villages around the company. Alhamdulillah, of the 14 villages that received appreciation awards, 13 of them received appreciation at the Intermediate level, and one village at the Primary level. " Bhayu Pamungkas said.
He further explained that this activity is a form of synergy between the private sector and the government in tackling climate change. Because this is a shared responsibility, the company, the community, and the policy makers jointly realize the climate village program.
The same thing was conveyed by Akhmad Handy Hakim, Head of the Batang Regency Environment and Forestry Service (DLHK), saying the same thing, that the success of this program is a joint success and synergy between government programs and private companies through the CSR program for the success of the climate village program.
"We are grateful for the contribution and involvement of PT BPI through its CSR program, so that it can raise the good name of the region with 21 villages that have received appreciation from the climate village program, 14 of which are directly assisted by PT BPI's CSR. Hopefully this synergy will continue and collaborate for the sake of mutual success in developing the region, "said Akhmad Handi Hakim, after opening the socialization of the climate village program category / nomination improvement, Tuesday (27/04).