Preventing and Overcoming Stunting BPI Collaborates with Kandeman and Tulis Community Health Centers

BATANG—PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia (BPI) once again collaborated with partners for the Health CSR program such as the Kandeman Community Health Center and the Tulis Community Health Center in the Tulis and Kandeman sub-districts to address and prevent stunting cases. The health seminar activity with the theme “Synergically Preventing and Overcoming Stunting” is a form of PT BPI's commitment to support the Batang Regency Government's Priority Program for the Acceleration of Stunting Handling Program which is focused on 25 villages and 8 sub-districts.
The target of this activity is for village midwives and other medical personnel on duty in the Kandeman and Tulis Community Health Centers, with the aim of providing knowledge and understanding and motivation to participants to strengthen program synergy in preventing and overcoming stunting in Batang Regency.
One of the speakers at the Health Seminar, Sri Aprileni, S.Farm, Apt., to the KeDP3 – AP2KB Division of Batang Regency, said that Batang Regency is currently included in the list of Stunting Locus Areas set by the central government. This means that it is one of the areas that receives special attention regarding stunting cases in Batang Regency.
"This stunting case is a common problem, so it requires the cooperation of all relevant parties in order to reduce the number of stunting cases in the Batang Regency area. Village midwives and other medical personnel are at the forefront, so they need additional knowledge and health motivation as well as support from pregnant women. “Said Sri Aprileni, S.Farm.Apt, after giving the material in front of village midwives and medical personnel who work in the area of Kandeman Community Health Center and Tulis Community Health Center, at Dewi Ratih Hotel, Wednesday (22/12).
It was further explained that based on the results of the simultaneous weighing of children under five years (toddlers) in Batang Regency, there were 14% who were stunted out of a total of 58 thousand children under five who were weighed. If the stunting prevention acceleration program is successful, it will reduce the mortality rate of pregnant women and children.
Meanwhile, PT BPI CSR Senior Manager Bhayu Pamungkas said that this activity was very helpful for village midwives and other medical personnel, in dealing with stunting cases in Batang Regency. We present two resource persons who really know about the stunting issue, namely Rita Utrajani, SKM.M.Kes., from the Central Java Provincial Health Office, and Sri Eprileni, S.Farm.Apt from AP2KB Batang Regency.
"We hope that this activity can really help and benefit village midwives and medical personnel, as well as assisting the Batang Regency Government's Priority Program for the Acceleration Program for the Handling of Stunting." said Bhayu Ultimate.
It was further explained that since 2015, PT BPI has collaborated with the Batang District Health Office through the UPTD of the Kandeman & Tulis Health Center. Whether it's organizing training, workshops and health seminars for health workers, health cadres and FKD (Village Health Forum) to support the improvement of public health services in 14 villages around the Central Java Coal-Fired Power Plant construction. This includes realizing the My Clean Village, Prosperous Village, Healthy Village and Empowered Communities programs which are arranged in the BIMA SEMBADA programmatic scheme, which is currently focusing on dealing with Covid-19 by involving relevant stakeholders through the GERMASVID (Healthy Living Community Movement to Prevent Covid-19) program. (*)