8 Schools Beneficiaries of BPI CSR Program Achieve District Adiwiyata School

BATANG—Once again, eight primary and secondary schools receiving the CSR program of PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia (BPI) won the District Adiwiyata School award. The award was given directly by the Head of the Environmental Agency (DLH) of Batang Regency, Ahmad Handy Hakim to eight Adiwiyata Schools assisted by BPI, Monday (31/1) witnessed by BPI's COO, Yoshimitsu Fujii and BPI's CSR Senior Manager, Bhayu Pamungkas.
The awards received by the eight Adiwiyata Schools are proof of BPI's good cooperation and commitment to education and environment sector. This award is given because it has built and succeeded in government programs in tackling a green, clean, healthy environment and is able to encourage the creation of knowledge and awareness of school residents in environmental conservation efforts.
“We congratulate the eight schools that have won the District Adiwiyata School award and at the same time highest appreciation to BPI for participating and always providing assistance through its CSR programs. This is a form of good cooperation and collaboration between BPI, community and Batang Regency Government,” said Head of the Batang Regency Environmental Service, Ahmad Handy Hakim.
He added that the Adiwiyata School is one of the programs of the Ministry of Environment as outlined in the Regulation of the Minister of the Environment of the Republic of Indonesia Number 05 of 2013 concerning Guidelines for the Implementation of the Adiwiyata Program. It is hoped that the preparatory workshop for prospective Provincial Adiwiyata Schools in 2022 is really useful and can be maximized by the 40 Adiwiyata schools participating in this workshop, so that they can win the Provincial Adiwiyata School award.
Meanwhile, COO of BPI Yoshimitsu Fujii in his speech said that the Adiwiyata School program has been implemented since 2016 through the CSR program in the Education Sector. BPI fully supports the Adiwiyata School program, starting from comparative studies, workshops, environmental studies, training, formation of students who care about the environment, waste banks, making bio pores, greenhouses, composters, fish ponds, and other supporting infrastructure.
“We congratulate the eight schools that received the District Adiwiyata School award, hopefully this award will be an encouragement to be better and become an example for other schools. Highest appreciation to Batang Regency Environmental Service, who have given their time and energy to assist and develop schools that receive BPI's CSR program." Yoshimitsu Fujii said, in his remarks at the 2022 Provincial Adiwiyata School candidate preparation workshop, Monday (31/1).
Fujii added that BPI has always been committed to the development and preservation of the environment together with stakeholders and local governments to jointly succeed in the government's programs. From 2016 to 2021, the Adiwiyata Schools fostered by BPI were 20 schools consisting of 13 Elementary Schools (SD), 4 Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI), 2 Junior High Schools (SMP) and 1 Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) all of which are located in the surrounding area within the company. Of the 20 Adiwiyata Schools, 4 schools have won the National Adiwiyata School, 4 Provincial Adiwiyata Schools, and 12 District Adiwiyata Schools.