
PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia Assisted School Wins National Level Adiwiyata School Award

BATANG—Again, PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia (PT BPI) assisted school, Ujungnegoro 01 State Elementary School, Ujungnegoro Village, Kandeman District, Batang Regency has won the National Adiwiyata School Award along with 22 other National and Independent Adiwiyata Schools in Central Java. The National Adiwiyata School and Independent Adiwiyata School awards are given virtually on Friday, December 24, 2021.

Ujungnegoro 01 State Elementary School is the fourth Adiwiyata School assisted by PT BPI that has won the National Adiwiyata School. Previously, Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) Ujungnegoro 02, Ujungnegoro Village which had won in 2018, Kenconorejo 01 State Elementary School Kenconorejo Village, and Simbangjati State Elementary School, Simbangjati Village, had won the National Adiwiyata School in 2019.
The Principal of Ujungnegoro 01 Elementary School, Muh. Budiyanto, S.Pd. M.Si convey his appreciation to all parties, especially to PT BPI for providing full support to the Adiwiyata School. Including the Environmental Service of Batang Regency, which has given guidance, until succeeded in achieving the National Level Adiwiyata School.
"In addition to excitement, this award is also a motivation for us to further improve the Adiwiyata School program so that we can achieve the Independent Adiwiyata School, because the highest ranking in the Adiwiyata School is the Independent Level and that is our target, even though the selection and requirements are more severe.” said Muh Budiyanto, Principal of Ujungengoro 01 State Elementary School after receiving an award virtually as a National Adiwiyata School
The Head of the Batang Regency Environmental Service, Handy Hakim, convey his gratitude to the school and PT BPI for always assisting and providing CSR programs to the community around the company's environment. This success also shows tangible evidence that good cooperation and communication from all parties has made this Ujungnegoro 01 State Elementary School successful in winning the National Adiwiyata School award.
"Congratulations and success for Ujungnegoro 01 State Elementary School which has received an award as a National Level Adiwiyata School. We are proud, because we have brought the good name of Batang Regency in the national arena. Hopefully next year other Adiwiyata Schools in Batang Regency which are still at the provincial level can follow in winning the National Adiwiyata School”, Handi Hakim conveyed after witnessing the virtual handover of the Adiwiyata School Award at the National and Independent Level at Ujungnegoro 01 State Elementary School, Friday (12/24).
Meanwhile, PT BPI CSR Senior Manager Bhayu Pamungkas representing the company also congratulated the Adiwiyata School at the National Level which was received by Ujungnegoro 01 State Elementary School at the provincial and district levels.
“Highest appreciation to all parties who have contributed and provided support, both morally and materially, to the Adiwiyata School program assisted by PT BPI. Hopefully this success will motivate other Adiwiyata Schools assisted by PT BPI to be more enthusiastic so that they can reach the national level”, Bhayu Pamungkas said, after witnessing the virtual handover of the Adiwiyata School awards at the National and Independent Levels, Friday (12/24).
Bhayu Pamungkas added that until now PT BPI has 20 assisted schools participating in the Adiwiyata School program. Of the 20 Adiwiyata schools that have been assisted, 4 of them have won the Adiwiyata School at the National Level, 4 Adiwiyata Schools at the Provincial Level, and 12 Adiwiyata Schools at the Regency Level.
PT BPI has supported the Adiwiyata school program (schools with an environmental culture) to schools around the Central Java Coal-Fired Power Plant project in Batang Regency since 2016. PT BPI's CSR program is a form of commitment in inviting communities around the company, especially educational institutions, to jointly raise awareness for the environment. (*)