
BPI Hand Over Thousands of Tree Seeds to Adiwiyata Schools

BATANG— PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia (BPI) handing over thousands of tree seedlings to 19 fostered Adiwiyata Schools. Besides handing over symbolically, tree planting was also directly carried out in one area of the SDN Kenconorejo 3, Tulis District, Batang Regency as one of the Adiwiyata Schools fostered by BPI.

PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia CSR Senior Manager, Bhayu Pamungkas said that this program is one of the company's educational programs for Adiwiyata schools which has been carried out since 2016 in Central Java Coal-Fired Power Plant (CFPP) in Batang Regency. There are 19 adiwiyata schools assisted by PT BPI spread over 15 villages around the company that receive plant seeds to be planted in schools and public facilities that really need them.
“The plant seeds given to Adiwiyata School are also the product of the fostered group in West Roban Hamlet, Kedungsegok Village, Kandeman District. We have handed over at least 2,062 tree seedlings to 19 Adiwiyata Schools fostered by PT BPI”. Bhayu Pamungkas said, after handing over the seeds and planting trees at SDN 3 Kenconorejo, Thursday (16/12).
It was further explained that of the 19 Adiwiyata schools fostered by PT BPI, 3 of them have received awards at the national level Adiwiyata School, 4 Adiwiyata Schools at the Provincial level and 12 Adiwiyata Schools at the Regency level. Meanwhile, one national-level adiwiyata school has now submitted a portfolio to go to the Mandiri Adiwiyata School.
Meanwhile, Head of Environmental Management and Capacity Building (PPKLH) Suyaeni said that PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia's CSR Program assistance had so far been very beneficial and give good impact to community. Although currently it is still being carried out around the Central Java CFPP project. The Batang Regency Environmental Service (DLH) is very supportive and expresses gratitude to PT BPI for providing maximum support for the CSR program.
"We ask the community, especially the Adiwiyata School, to maximize PT BPI's CSR Program assistance. We are grateful to PT BPI, which has continued to participate in developing the area around the company, has helped and facilitated local government programs and has been able to synergize with many stakeholders to implement CSR programs.” Said Suyaeni, Head of PPKLH Division, Batang Regency Environmental Service (DLH), after giving a speech, Thursday (16/12).
It is hoped that the CSR program of PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia will continue to support and be utilized optimally by the community, especially for the Adiwiyata School which has become the company's guidance. (*)