Batang Power Plant 2 x 1.000 MW Project Achieves Commercial Operation

Batang – PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia (BPI) is pleased to announce that the Batang Power Plant project with a capacity of 2 x 1,000 MW using Ultra Super Critical (USC) technology has achieved the commercial operation (Unit 1 : August 15, 2022, Unit 2 : August 31, 2022).
The Batang Power Plant project is one of the National Strategic Projects and its sponsors are Electric Power Development Co., Ltd. (J-Power), PT Adaro Power, and ITOCHU Corporation. It should also remarkably be noted that it is the first public-private partnership (PPP) project in the electricity infrastructure sector, guaranteed by the Government of Indonesia, acting by and through its Ministry of Finance of Republic of Indonesia (MOF) and Indonesia Infrastructure Guarantee Fund (IIGF). It has also become an investment magnet in Central Java, as we observe more and more industries are coming to Central Java for making new investments especially in Batang Regency.
"We are very proud to announce that the Batang Power Plant project started the commercial operation. We are committed to provide stable electricity supply to PT PLN for 25 years commercially and contribute to the electricity needs of Java Island” said Ryuta Sato, President Director of BPI. He added “The project name of "Central Java Coal-Fired Power Plant" has been used to date, but it is to be renamed as "Batang Power Plant" for communication to reflect the name of the local regency where the project is located and widely recognized in the local community.
The Batang Power Plant project uses USC technology, as well as other environmentally friendly technology. “USC steam conditions provide much higher thermal efficiency than conventional steam conditions, such as subcritical and supercritical. Higher thermal efficiency means lower coal consumption rates, which in turn, lowers CO2 emissions. Furthermore, Low NOx burner in fuel combustion process, Fabric Filter and Flue-Gas Desulphurization in flue gas treatment process are utilized respectively. Low NOx burner will minimize NOx, Fabric Filter will collect the particulate (fly ash) and FGD captures SOx”, said Akihiro Osajima, Chief Technical Officer of BPI.
The success of the operation of the Batang Power Plant Project is due to the support of various parties. We express our highest appreciation to the community around the project, the Batang Regency Government, Central Java Provincial Government, Central Government, PT PLN (Persero), all stakeholders, and the local community of Batang Regency.
"We hope to continue to synergize with the provincial government, district government, community and various parties to jointly assist Batang Regency and the local community’s development and prosperity," said ChinChin Chandera, Chief Financial Officer of BPI. “More importantly, we would like to thank all of our employees as without their hard work and dedication we would not be able to complete one of Indonesia’s largest and cleanest power plants.”
The operation of the Batang Power Plant represents a strategic moment that improves the local community’s welfare. Since 2012 BPI has implemented a comprehensive CSR program which prioritize a participatory approach and implemented it with the highest priority on the Community Empowerment Program. The CSR programs that have been implemented have received both international and national awards from various parties. The CSR activity program always involves and synergizes with the Village government and Batang Regency government so that it is right on target, has sustainable benefits and creates community independence.
Yoshimitsu Fujii, Chief Operational Officer of BPI said, “we have implemented the CSR program in various sectors, such as Infrastructure (development and improvement of public facilities), Healthcare services (Posyandu, health facilities, capacity building for cadres/health workers, open defecation free), Economic (micro enterprise group, micro finance institution, job creations, skills training), Education (operated school, non-formal education, village libraries, capacity building), Social, Culture, and Environment (reforestation, trash bank, social assistance for vulnerable people)”. We will continue our contribution to the local community as a good corporate citizen.