
Kedaireka Matching Fund 2022 Program Partnership between the Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology, UNDIP and BPI

 Kedaireka Matching Fund 2022 Program Partnership between the Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology, UNDIP and BP
Utilization of Coal Waste for Blue Economy Development in Batang Regency


BATANG—The partnership between Diponegoro University (UNDIP), the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, and PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia (BPI) for the Application of Technology for Restoration of Coastal Ecosystems Made of Concrete from Coal Waste for Blue Economy Development in Batang Regency, has begun to be socialized. The Kedaireka Matching Fund 2022 program will focus on the utilization of coal waste from Batang Power Plant 2 x 1,000 MW, through the manufacture of Artificial Patch Reef (APR) and Artificial Fish Apartment (AFA) substrates.

Activities funded by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology and supported by Diponegoro University in partnership with BPI are very useful for the survival of marine life on the coast of Batang Regency. Utilization of Fly Ash and Buttom Ash (FABA) which is no longer B3 waste, is one of the best alternatives for the manufacture of artificial patch reefs and artificial fish apartment. Meanwhile, the socialization of the Kedaireka Matching Fund 2022 program at the Regency level was attended by the Head of the Environmental Service of Batang Regency, the Head of the Maritime, Fisheries, and Livestock Office of Batang Regency, Marine and Fisheries Office of Central Java Province, Head of Sub-districts, UNDIP, BPI, the Fishermen Group, Fishermen Association of Indonesia - Batang, Head of Villages, fisherman figures and other relevant stakeholders.

 Ir. Lilik Harnadi, M.Sc., M.Si., Head of Coastal and Small Island Marine Affairs, Marine and Fisheries Service of Central Java Province, said that currently power plant’s coal waste has been categorized as Non-B3 waste. The research and implementation that will be carried out by UNDIP in partnership with BPI will show how FABA can be useful for fish apartment, as artificial patch reefs.

 “The use of FABA waste is not only for the manufacture of fish apartments or artificial patch reefs, but can also be used for abrasion control, paving blocks, brickwork, cast roads, and others. However, the Matching Fund 2022 program will focus on utilizing FABA waste for fish apartments, involving the government, academics, BPI, and fishermen," said Lilik Harnadi, in the socialization event of the Matching Fund 2022 program, Implementation of Concrete Coastal Ecosystem Restoration Technology Applications from Coal Waste for Blue Economy Development in Batang Regency, which took place in the Hall of the PTSP DPM Office of Batang Regency.

The Head of the Batang Regency Environmental Service (DLH), Akhmad Handy Hakim also reiterated that based on Government Regulation no. 22 of 2022 explains that FABA as non-B3 waste can be used by themselves or other parties as a substitute for substrate raw materials or in accordance with the development of science and technology. The research program as well as the implementation of the application of coastal ecosystem restoration technology made from concrete from coal waste (FABA) carried out by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, in collaboration with UNDIP and BPI, is very important to convey to the public.

This is one of the extraordinary programs for Batang Regency, if this is really successful, it will show to the public that FABA produced from the Batang Power Plant, can be returned again for the benefit of the community, be it for fishermen with the fish apartment program, prevention of abrasion, and the business of making paving, brick and cast roads” explained Handy Hakim in the socialization forum of the Matching Fund 2022 program, Implementation of Applications for Coastal Ecosystem Restoration Made of Concrete from Coal Waste for Blue Economy Development in Batang Regency.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Matching Fund 2022 Program, a partnership of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, UNDIP and BPI, DR. Ir. Munasik, M.Sc., explained that this program involved 75 internship students and Community Service Program (KKN) from UNDIP which will be distributed in four villages, namely Klidang Lor Village, Depok Village, Ujungnegoro Village and Kedungsegog Village for 45 days. They will hold discussions and receive input from fishermen regarding this program, including the placement of fish houses made of FABA waste from Batang Power Plant. 


 "We thank to BPI for supporting the Matching Fund 2022 program, so that we can implement the application of coastal ecosystem restoration technology made of concrete by utilizing coal waste for blue economy development in Batang Regency," said DR. Ir. Munasik, M. Sc., Implementing Head of Matching Fund 2022 Program in District level socialization at DPM PTSP Batang Regency Office, Tuesday (6/9).

 It was further explained that this activity would be focused on four village areas, namely Ujungnegoro Village, Depok Village, Kedungsegog Village and Klidang Lor Village. This is also to optimize the program to be achieved through several stages of activities such as program socialization at the district, village level, FGD (Focus Group Discussion) in the four program villages, and evaluation monitoring.

 We involved UNDIP 25 internship students through the creation of an Artificial Patch Reef (APR) and an Artificial Fish Apartment (AFA). Then involved 50 KKN students for mapping problems for marine and coastal resource management in Batang Regency waters through the BPI CSR program” continued DR. Ir. Munasik, M.Sc., Lecturer of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Diponegoro University (UNDIP), Tuesday (3/9)

 Munasik also added that at the time of sinking the fish apartments will also be carried out after getting input or suggestions from the fishermen. “We don't immediately sink the fish apartments, without coordinating with the fishermen, because this is for the fishermen’s importance in thawing the fish. They also have to know the benefits of fish apartments, care for and maintain, as well as the location of fish apartments placements in accordance with the Spatial Plan for Coastal Area and Small Islands (RZWP3K)space allocation of Central Java Province,” said Munasik.

Meanwhile, one of the fishermen in Batang Regency, H Karbukti who participated in the socialization of the Matching Fund 2022 program at Klidang Lor Village Lor, said that the program to utilize FABA from the Batang Power Plant for the manufacture of fish apartments or patch reefs is really beneficial for fishermen. Each point of sinking of the fish apartments must be marked so that the fishermen know the existence of the fish apartments.

 “We support this government program, especially by building fish apartments orartificial patch reefs. I requested the students who work in these four villages to really consider the proposals or inputs from the fishermen, so that they are equally targeted. The dotted fish apartments must still be installed firmly, so that it will not be stolen or cut by irresponsible people,” said Karbukti , during the socialization of the Matching Fund 2022 Program at  Klidang Lor Village Hall, Tuesday (6/9).

 BPI CSR Senior Manager Bhayu Pamungkas said that from 2016 to 2019. BPI has partnered with the Semarang Fishing Center (BPPI) and the Marine and Fisheries Service (DKP) of Central Java Province to build fish apartments. The partnership program succeeded in making 265 fish apartment modules consisting of 225 fish apartment modules made of plastic and 40 fish apartment modules made of concrete and with sinking locations in Karang Maeso, Karang Kretek, and two other locations in Batang waters.

 Bhayu Pamungkas added, from 2019 to 2021, BPI partnered with the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Diponegoro University for a program to manufacture 4 artificial patch reef units that were sunk in Karang Maeso as many as 2 units and 2 units in Karang Sebapang.

"We have partnered with various parties in order to preserve coastal areas in Batang Regency. And this year we partnered with Diponegoro University in a program funded by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology. This activity is a manifestation of the company's commitment in improving the economy of the fishermen around the power plant and maintaining commitment to the environment. It is hoped that fishery production will increase and the synergy between community groups and BPI as well as government support can build sustainable local community empowerment activities." Explained Bhayu Pamungkas, CSR Senior Manager of BPI, Tuesday (6/9). (*)


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