
Enhancing Skills of Adiwiyata School’s Teachers Batang Regency Education and Culture Office and BPI Hold Pedagogy-Based Learning Training

BATANG — The Batang Regency Education and Culture Office (Disdikbud) together with PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia (BPI), held a training to enhance teachers ‘skills in pedagogy-based socio-emotional learning on Thursday, September 29, 2022. The training was held at the Karanggeneng 2 Public Elementary School and  was in accordance with the latest National Education curriculum. It’s attended by 38 teachers from 19 Adiwiyata schools assisted by BPI's CSR program. 

This training activity is part of a series of school’s activities that care about environment or better known as Adiwiyata school that supported by the BPI CSR program to improve the quality of education, support government programs in realizing quality education through various trainings and activities to enhance the capacity and competence of principals and teachers, support school quality improvement in in terms of implementing Environmentally Friendly Schools. In addition to having a positive impact on teachers, this activity is also expected to have a positive impact on the 3,279 students from 19 Adiwiyata schools.
The Head of Curriculum Division, Batang Regency Education and Culture Office, Sali, S.Pd., M.Pd., conveyed through his speech on his gratitude to BPI who has never stopped assisting the Batang Regency government, especially in education sector. BPI's CSR programs for the education sector have been carried out since 2013. These include scholarships, educational teaching aids, and school infrastructure around the Batang Power Plant 2 x 1,000 MW.
Sali, S.Pd., M.Pd., the former Principal of Karanggeneng 1 Public Elementary School, said that “the training program to enhance teachers ‘skills in pedagogy-based socio-emotional learning is very suitable and deemed appropriate at this time because it is in accordance with the latest educational curriculum, of which teachers are required to provide learning that makes the school environment enjoyable for students. Teachers were encouraged to take advantage of this training as much as possible so that it could be applied in each school.” This was conveyed in front of the teacher training participants at Karanggeneng 2 Public Elementary School and kicked off opening of the training event, Thursday (29/9).
Furthermore, he hoped that BPI would continue to assist the Education program in the Batang Regency area and invite him as a partner of the Batang Regency Education and Culture Office in the development and improvement of the education sector. BPI’s current support has shown an extraordinary and useful partnership for the education sector. 
This was further elaborated by the trainer, Sri Mulyono, M.Pd., a junior high school supervisor who has been awarded twice as the best practitioner at the national level that the existence of pedagogic-based training activities is expected to improve the ability of teachers to manage student learning and can determine the level of success of the process and learning outcomes of students. It is hoped that this kind of activity can be held regularly because it is very useful for teaching and learning activities in schools.
BPI CSR Senior Manager, Bhayu Pamungkas, also expressed his gratitude to the local government, and the school teachers around the Batang Power Plant, who always support and provide opportunities to partnership with BPI to improve and develop education sector in the neighbour communities through infrastructure programs, teacher capacity building, Adiwiyata school programs, scholarship programs and other programs. “Without the support of the government and stakeholders, we will not be able to carry out our CSR program. All because of good cooperation, and the right collaboration, so that it can be applied to schools and the community, "said Bhayu Pamungkas, in a pedagogy-based social emotional learning training event, at Karanggeneng 2 Public Elementary School, Thursday (29/9).
Bhayu Pamungkas added “we believe that education is important for community development, therefore we want to enhance and continue to contribute CSR programs for the sustainable development of the nearby community. This is our contribution and commitment that we will always grow together with the local community nearby Batang Power Plant.”
Up to now, from the 20 Adiwiyata schools that assisted by BPI, 4 of them have reached the National Adiwiyata School ranking, namely MI Ujungnegoro 2, Kenconorejo 01 Public Elementary School, Simbangjati Public Elementary School, and Ujungnegoro 01 Public Elementary School. And for the Provincial Adiwiyata School rankings, there are 4 schools, namely Kandeman 2 Public Junior High School, Tulis 02 Public Junior School, Karanggeneng 02 Public Elementary School, and Ponowareng 01 Public Elementary School. Meanwhile, 12 other schools are still ranked as District Adiwiyata Schools.