
Committed to Protecting the Environment and Community Empowerment, BPI Won 3 Awards in ENSIA Award 2022

SEMARANG – PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia (BPI) won three Environmental and Social Innovation Award (ENSIA) 2022 awards for its commitment to protecting the environment, strengthening village health institutions, and empowering the community's economy. The award was given by PT Sucofindo (Persero), in the Environmental and Social Innovation Award 2022, which took place at Gumaya Hotel, Semarang, Wednesday (7/9). 

Commercial Director of PT Sucofindo, Darwin Abas said that this award was given based on the assessment of the innovation paper by a jury consisting of academics and practitioners. This ENSIA award is a form of Sucofindo's commitment to support environmental conservation and community empowerment. And technically, this award can be used to support the PROPER (Company Rating Performance Assessment Program in Environmental Management) Green and Gold documents. The ENSIA Award event was attended by 62 companies that have submitted 217 innovation papers with 7 categories, namely energy efficiency, emission reduction, B3 waste reduction, 3R non-B3 solid waste, water efficiency and reduction of pollution burden, protection of biodiversity, and social innovation. 
BPI received three ENSIA awards 2022, namely as one of the companies that care about the environment, the Gold category for the Biodiversity Protection program given by Dra. CH. Nety Widayati, MT., Director of Water Pollution Control, Directorate General of Pollution and Environmental Damage Control, Ministry of Environment and Forestry. Meanwhile, two other BPI programs that received awards in the Social Innovation category, namely the market-based micro business development program (off-taker) received the Platinum category, and the public health promotion program received the Silver category.
Yoshimitsu Fujii, Chief Operation Officer of BPI said “On behalf of the management, I would like to thank PT Sucofindo for awarding the ENSIA 2022 for the company's commitment to implementing social responsibility (CSR) programs to protect the environment and empower communities. This award is an acknowledgment from external parties for the success of the program that we have carried out together with the community and Batang Regency government, Central Java Provincial Government, Central Government and related stakeholders, as well as the commitment of management and the performance of BPI employees”.
Further explained by Bhayu Pamungkas, Senior Manager CSR of BPI that BPI has implemented various CSR program in Batang regency, one of them for biodiversity. The implementation of the biodiversity protection program has been carried out since 2013 until now, BPI together with the community have implemented a land ecosystem rehabilitation program by providing a 5 Ha forest area as a sanctuary/refuge for fauna which was carried out together with three Micro Entrepreneurship Groups (MEG) from three villages covering training, preparation of seeds/seedlings, land preparation, planting, embroidering and monitoring-evaluation, implemented out a coastal and mangrove vegetation planting program together with three groups of fishermen from three surrounding villages and students from the Adiwiyata school that assisted by BPI, as well as planting and caring for 57,449 seedlings by three groups of fishermen through the Community-Based Disaster Preparedness program in partnership with PMI Batang Regency and American Red Cross.
The marine ecosystem rehabilitation program has been implemented with the partners of the Department of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of Central Java Province in 2017-2019 and Diponegoro University in 2019-2020 by installing 265 modules of artificial fish apartments (AFA as a place for sheltering and gathering of marine biota) in 4 locations and installing 4-unit artificial patched reefs (APR, as coral reef transplant sites) in two locations in the surrounding marine area. In 2022 through the Kedaireka Matching Fund, the funding program from DIKTI-Ministry of Education and Culture, BPI-UNDIP partnered to add 4-units of APR (420 modules) and 4-units of AFA (120 modules) using a concrete substrate made from Fly Ash-Bottom Ash (FABA) from Batang Power Plant, in the sea area around BPI. This program is an effort to utilize non-B3 FABA waste generated by the Batang Power Plant.
Since 2013, BPI has implemented economic development programs through the establishment of 209 Micro Entrepreneurship Group (MEG) consisting of 2,929 members with main business types such as garment, production of sarong packaging, laundry. Four Micro Finance Institutions (MFI) has been established and operating to support working capital of ultra-micro business actors and Temporary Job Creation Programs that also had an impact on ultra-micro business actors. This program has provided benefits for capacity building, working capital, business production facilities and off-taker provision, as well as establishing business institutions and networks to increase the opportunities for ultra-micro business sustainability. 
The implementation of Community Health Promotion Program through the Strengthening of Village Health Institutions has been carried out by building, strengthening, and supporting capacity building and competence of health institutions in 14 villages around the Batang Power Plant which has had an impact on innovation on the environment, social and economy. Since 2016, a cumulative 4,446 individuals (toddlers and elderly) have access to health services in 57 village health posts. 317 individual health cadres and 18 village midwives have received capacity building, thereby improving village health services. A total of 2,032 households have received assistance and supported the Open Defecation Free campaign (ODF). In addition, since 2012, cumulative 22,431 individuals have participated in capacity building activities for the community, and cumulatively since 2015, 42,388 individuals have participated in health counselling activities for a clean & healthy lifestyle (PHBS). (*)
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PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia