BPI Won CSR Award 2023 from Central Java Provincial Government

Again, PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia (BPI) as the owner of the Batang Power Plant 2 x 1,000 MW won the CSR Award from Central Java Province in 2023 as the 2nd Best Implementer of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Private Company Category from the Central Java Provincial Government (Pemprov Jateng). The award was given directly by Assistant for Government and People's Welfare of Regional Secretariat of Central Java Province Dra. Ema Rachmawati, M.Hum representing the Acting Governor of Central Java Nana Sudjana to the President Director of BPI Ryuta Sato at the Wisma Perdamaian Hall, Semarang (18/12).
Acting Governor of Central Java Nana Sudjana that represented by Assistant for Government and People's Welfare of Regional Secretariat of Central Java Province Dra. Ema Rachmawati, M.Hum expressed the appreciation to all parties, especially private companies, State-owned enterprises, Regional-owned enterprises, who collaborated well with the government, so that the provincial government was able to face the post-covid economy of society.
"The role of private companies, State-owned enterprises and Regional owned enterprises is extraordinary for the Provincial Government in its CSR program. All social, health and economic sectors worked jointly with the private sector, State-owned enterprises, Regional-owned enterprises. Through the CSR program, it is hoped that collaboration between the government and the private sector, State-owned enterprises, Regional-owned enterprises will continue to synergize, continue to be strengthened for the future and never give up on community development." Said Dra. Ema Rachmawati.
This award is given by the Central Java Provincial Government to private companies, State-owned enterprises and Regional-owned enterprises which have implemented their commitments in CSR programs and contributed to local government. There are 18 large companies in Central Java Province that were nominated for this award, including 6 private companies, 6 State-owned enterprises and 6 Regional-owned enterprises.
Ryuta Sato, President Director of BPI expressed his gratitude to the Central Java Provincial Government for the award given to BPI for implementing CSR programs in the area around the Batang Power Plant.
“This award was given because of the company's commitment and cooperation with all stakeholders in assisting to create sustainable independent society through CSR programs”, said Ryuta Sato
Several CSR Program that we implement such as supporting Micro Enterprise Groups, Micro Finance Institution, stunting alleviation program, providing addition nutrition food for toddlers and elderly, accelerated ODF Program in Villages, supporting inhabitable house program, greenbelt tree planting movement in Batang Regency, mangrove rehabilitation program, scholarship program, and school development program, added Ryuta Sato
In addition, Ryuta Sato also explained that in 2023 we have made various innovations such as collaborating with various parties for FABA utilization, collaborate with government in planting movement in sustainable watersheds program, and supporting halal certification programs for 40 assisted MSMEs.
Meanwhile, in a written statement, BPI's GM Stakeholder Relations, Aryamir Husein Sulasmoro, added that BPI has been supporting government programs in reporting Corporate Social Responsibility or Corporate Environmental Social Responsibility (TJSLP) programs in the CSR/SILAP Online Reporting System application for Central Java Province since 2019 until now.