BPI Achieves Blue PROPER Predicate from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry

PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia (BPI) achieved the Blue Predicate in the 2023 Company Performance
Rating Assessment Program in Environmental Management "PROPER" from the Ministry of
Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia (KLHK).
GM HSE BPI Josman Ginting said that the achievement of Blue PROPER at the start of the operation
of the Batang Power Plant 2 x 1,000 MW was a form of commitment to managing the company's
environment in accordance with what had been stipulated in statutory regulations. This
achievement is an encouragement for BPI to further improve management in the environmental
"As a result of the evaluation from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, BPI has followed up on
5 aspects of the PROPER assessment, including Water Pollution Control, Air Pollution Control,
Hazardous & Toxic Waste Management (B3 Waste) and Sea Water Pollution Control, in addition to
fulfilling environmental document and reporting requirements," said Josman. Ginting.
The assessment mechanism and criteria are contained in Minister of the Environment Regulation
Number 1 of 2021 concerning the Company Performance Rating Assessment Program in
Environmental Management. The Company Performance Rating Assessment Program in
Environmental Management (PROPER) is an evaluation of the performance of those responsible for
businesses and/or activities in the field of environmental management.
"Companies that receive the Blue PROPER designation are considered "Compliant" because they
have carried out the required environmental management efforts in accordance with applicable
provisions or regulations and have fulfilled all aspects required by the Ministry of Environment and
Forestry (KLHK)," concluded Josman Ginting.