To Prevent Stunting, BPI Collaborates with Batang Regency Health Office to Increase the Capacity of Village Health Workers and Donate Medical Devices

BATANG— In order to prioritize the excellent service of Integrated Health Post Services (Posyandu), especially to reduce stunting rates in Batang Regency, PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia (BPI) again collaborated with the Batang Regency Health Office in capacity building activities through a seminar "Policy for the Acceleration of Stunting Reduction in Batang Regency" which was attended by health cadres who are members of the Village Health Forum (FKD), Posyandu, and the Family Empowerment and Welfare Driving Team (PKK) who fostered by the company. The knowledge provided by the speakers from the Batang Regency Health Office is intended so that village health cadres can play a more active role in alleviating stunting rates in each village where they live.
Along with this activity, the company also handed over 143 medical devices for Posyandu in 14 assisted villages and 49 meuble for Posyandu in 10 assisted villages in the meeting hall of the Batang Regency Health Office, Thursday (7/3). The delivery of medical equipment and meuble assistance was based on the results of monitoring which found that several medical devices in each Posyandu had been damaged so that they were replaced with new ones. The hope is that health cadres can operate medical devices well and the performance of medical devices is also in prime condition so that toddler growth data is more accurate and stunting cases can be prevented.
Doctor Didiet Wisnuhardanto, Head of the Batang Regency Health Office said that the participation of private companies in handling stunting is a form of corporate social responsibility to the surrounding community. The collaboration between the local government and PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia is a form of synergy between private companies and the government in handling social, environmental, educational, and health issues.
"We thank BPI for always being present in health programs in 14 assisted villages, in Tulis District and Kandeman District. BPI's assistance for Posyandu has been extraordinary because every year it always supports its program. So that we are really helped, ease the burden on local governments.", said dr. Didiet Wisnuhardanto, in his speech and at the same time opened the Health Seminar, and handed over medical equipment assistance, Thursday 97/3)
The Head of the Health Office of Batang Regency advised village health cadres who are members of FKD, Posyandu and PKK Driving Team to make maximum use of BPI's CSR program assistance for the benefit of rural communities. Meanwhile, health science received from the speakers can be practiced or at least can be socialized to the community, the importance of maintaining health to reduce stunting.
Health seminar speakers Khotiq Mulyaningrum and Sholikhatul Mahmudah conveyed the same thing, that intervention in stunting cases in Batang Regency is needed to accelerate the alleviation of stunting rates. Including improving nutrition in pregnant women is one of the efforts to prevent stunting.
Meanwhile, Aryamir H. Sulasmoro, General Manager Stakeholder Relation of BPI said that this CSR program in the health sector is the Company's concern for the needs of the community in Batang Regency, especially for alleviating stunting rates in Batang Regency.
"Thank you to the Batang Regency Health Office who always accompanies and supports the CSR team in implementing programs in the village communities around the company. We also appreciate all parties, and stakeholders who continue to synergize with BPI in the community," said Aryamir H. Sulasmoro.
Since 2011, BPI has implemented a comprehensive CSR program by prioritizing a participatory approach and implementing it with the highest priority in the Community Empowerment Program which involves and synergizes with the village government and Batang Regency government so that it is right on target, sustainable, has beneficial value and creates community independence. (*)