The Peak of Bhimasena Lentera Ramadan and Welcoming Eid Al-Fitr BPI Hands Over Zakat to Pre-Prosperous Society

BATANG – In order to peak the activities of Bhimasena Lentera Ramadan and welcome Eid al-Fitr, PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia (BPI) distributed zakat as much as 1,625 kg of rice to zakat mustahiq in several villages around the Batang Power Plant such as Ujungnegoro, Karanggeneng, Ponowareng, West Roban and East Roban villages witnessed by Village Heads, Religious Leaders and Community Leaders (2/4).
Aryamir H. Sulasmoro GM Stakeholder Relations said that the distribution of zakat is a form of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities in the social, cultural and environmental sector throughout the month of Ramadan in 2024 in villages around Batang Power Plant. This series of activities is a form of Batang Power Plant concern for the surrounding community as well as enlivening the month of Ramadan.
"This event is a series of Bhimasena Lentera Ramadan activities, previously, BPI also held the Khataman Al-Quran program which was held at the Jurang Jero Islamic Boarding School, Bakalan Village, Batang, Khataman Al-Quran in 14 villages, rice donations for fishing communities, and iftar activities with employees," said Aryamir H. Sulasmoro.
In addition, BPI provided paint to 23 prayer rooms in 14 villages in Tulis and Kandeman sub-districts, and provided assistance to clean worship equipment equipment involving micro enterprise group (MEG) engaged in laundry business.
"This Bhimasena Lentera Ramadan activity is expected so that the existence of BPI in the community can provide light blessings and benefits and further strengthen ties with residents around the company," concluded GM Stakeholder Relations BPI.

Meanwhile, the Head of Karanggeneng Village, Kandeman District, Resgiyanto conveyed his gratitude to PT BPI for providing rice zakat assistance, directly to zakat mustahiq in his village environment.
"Thanks to the assistance that has been given every year from PT BPI to our residents, this assistance is very useful for us. Hopefully PT BPI will always be successful and can share with people in need," said Resgiyanto.