Welcoming National Education Day, BPI Collaborate with BBPMP Central Java and Education and Culture Office of Batang Regency Conducted School and Community Synergy Workshop

BATANG — In order to support the achievements of the Batang Regency government in the field of education and to coincide with welcoming National Education Day, PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia (BPI) in collaboration with the Central Java Provincial Education Quality Assurance Center (BBPMP Central Java), and Education and Culture Office of Batang Regency conducted a School and Community Synergy Workshop for 28 BPI target schools around the Batang Power Plant, Tuesday (30/3)
This activity is a form of social responsibility and corporate commitment to the community in improving the quality of education in Batang Regency. The School and Community Synergy Workshop (School Ecosystem) in achieving educational goals involved community leaders around the school, school committees, and local village governments.
BPI Chief Operating Officer Yoshimitsu Fujii hopes that teachers and all school partners who attend this workshop can know and understand about strategies in creating a pleasant school environment. So that BPI partner schools are able to increase the value of good education quality report cards and become a reference for other schools in Batang Regency. In addition, this program is expected to contribute to the progress of Batang Regency and surrounding communities. Where human resources in Batang Regency will be more creative, innovative and able to compete in the midst of the development of existing industries.
"Hopefully, what has been given and implemented by BPI can provide benefits for the entire community, especially in the world of education in Batang Regency. The involvement of various stakeholders in Batang Regency further shows a good synergy in improving human resources." Yoshimitsu Fujii said, in his speech at the School and Community Synergy Workshop in Achieving Education Goals, Tuesday (30/4).
Meanwhile, the Acting Head of the Batang District Education Office Bambang Suryantoro highly appreciates BPI which from the beginning has provided a very high social responsibility program, in fact, BPI is the only private company that cares about the world of education in Batang Regency to date.
"The program that has been carried out by BPI in Batang Regency must be used as a reference by other private companies in Batang, to be able to help improve human resources in Batang Regency. If all private companies carry out their social responsibilities such as BPI, then the community and the world of education in Batang Regency are already very good, "said Bambang Suryantoro
Workshop resource person Dra. Nani Rosdijiati, M.M. from BBPMP Central Java also greatly appreciated BPI's support for assisting and helping to improve human resources in Batang Regency through education. It is expected that BPI's CSR program related to education will be expanded to other areas in Batang Regency. Not only for villages around Batang Power Plant who get this program.
"Hopefully this program will continue to run well, directed and sustainable. Moreover, in this one year there are 7 stages of education improvement workshops for teaching teachers, students, and schools involving parents or guardians, school committees, and local community leaders, "said Dra. Nani Rosdijiati, M.M. (*)