Commemorating World Environment Day, BPI - Astragraphia with Acting Regent of Batang Planted Thousands of Trees in the Spring Source area of Tombo Village

Batang – Acting Regent of Batang Regency together with PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia (BPI), PT Astra Graphia Tbk (Astragraphia), PUDAM Sendang Kamulyan Batang, PT. Sukorintex of Batang Regency, Central Java Safari Beach, Subah Spinning Mills planted thousands of trees at the spring source of Tombo Village in commemoration of World Environment Day at the Regency Level organized by the Batang Regency Environment Agency (DLH Batang) (27/6).
Acting Regent of Batang Lani Dwi Rejeki said that World Environment Day is a very important momentum for all of us to be more aware and concerned about the sustainability of the environment around us. As part of a global society, we have a shared responsibility to protect and preserve nature for future generations.
"I really appreciate and thank the collaboration between the Batang Regency Government and companies in Batang Regency in organizing Waste Sorting Education and Tree Planting Activities Around Springs in Tombo Village. Good cooperation between the government, the business world, and the community is the key to success in realizing a sustainable environment", said Lani Dwi Rejeki.
BPI Chief Operating Officer Yoshimitsu Fujii said that BPI also commemorated World Environment Day 2024 by supporting the planting and maintenance of trees in spring source areas by handing over 500 palm and banyan trees to the Tombo Village Government through DLH Batang.
"From January to June 2024, BPI has planted 2433 protective tree seedlings and 500 fruit seedlings around the company's operating area, besides that we also facilitate company partners such as Village Library, Village Health Forum by planting 1100 protective trees and fruits in each village road and the yard of residents' houses," said Yoshimitsu Fujii.
Yoshimitsu Fujii also thanked the Batang Regency Government for the awards given to companies that have contributed and committed to running environmental programs and supporting the commemoration of World Environment Day at the Batang Regency level.
This activity is a form of corporate social and environmental responsibility and is expected to make the best contribution to the Government and the people of Batang Regency in efforts to preserve the environment and solve the climate crisis as well as support the economy of the community in Central Java, especially in Batang Regency. (*)