BPI 13th Anniversary Series: Caring for the Preservation of Local Culture, Tradition and Arts, BPI Supports Batang Art Festival 2024 Activities

Batang – In the context of the 13th Anniversary, PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia (BPI) once again provides support to the community through the Batang Art Festival program which will be held on Jl Veteran on July 26-27, 2024.
The 6th Batang Art Festival (BAF) is held again, BAF is a forum for art enthusiasts in Central Java and even in Indonesia.
Acting Regent of Batang Lani Dwi Rejeki said that this activity is not only a forum for local artists to work and innovate, but also as a cultural and art exhibition that will enrich and beautify the city of Batang.
General Manager of Stakeholder Relations of BPI, Aryamir H. Sulasmoro, said that in the context of BPI's 13th Anniversary, we provide support to the people of Batang through the Batang Art Festival.
"BPI's participation in the Batang Art Festival is expected to provide benefits for the people of Batang Regency to preserve local culture, traditions and arts," said Aryamir H. Sulasmoro.
Meanwhile, the Chief Executive of the Batang Art Festival, Sigit Purnomo, said that through this activity, it is hoped that it can become a forum for the preservation of culture and art in Batang Regency, provide a place for new artists to grow, and can provide entertainment for the people of Batang Regency.
"Appreciation to PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia for providing support and being present in the midst of the Batang community at the Batang Art Festival. Hopefully this collaboration will always be established to realize the preservation of culture, tradition and art of Batang Regency" (*)