Supporting Local Business Growth, BPI Collaborates with DISPERINDAGKOP & UKM to Hold Financial Bookkeeping Training for MEG Health Cadres

BATANG - PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia (BPI) once again showed its commitment to supporting the economic empowerment of local communities by holding basic financial bookkeeping training for 14 Micro Enterprise Groups (MEGs) health cadres around the Batang Power Plant. This training was held at Caffe Dewa Dewi Sigandu on Wednesday, July 17, 2024.
General Manager of Stakeholders Relations Aryamir Sulasmoro BPI said that this training aims to increase the financial administration capacity of small business actors, to be more orderly and transparent in the group's financial management as well as to assist in the procurement of PMT (Providing Supplementary Food) of integrated village health post (Posyandu) from the proceeds of business independently and to help members to get capital loans in their businesses.
"This training is part of our commitment to support the economic empowerment of local communities. Good financial bookkeeping is the foundation for business success. By having these skills, I believe MEGs will be able to manage the business more effectively, ensuring sustainability and long-term growth. I hope this training provides practical knowledge and skills that can be applied immediately," said Aryamir Sulasmoro.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Industry, Trade, Cooperatives and SMEs Office (Disperindagkop & UKM) of Batang Regency, Wahyu Budi Santoso, S.sos., MM., expressed his appreciation for BPI's CSR program initiatives and welcomed BPI's concern for the community and hoped that this activity could continue in the future.
"BPI has become one of the parameters of CSR activities that should be exemplary for other companies in Batang. This training is the basis for business groups to be more orderly in financial administration, so that they can increase accountability and transparency in their business management," said the Head of DISPERINDAGKOP & UKM Batang.
During the training, the participants received material on the basic principles of financial bookkeeping, recording transactions, and preparing simple financial statements. The participants also get hands-on practice to apply the knowledge gained in their daily activities.
BPI is committed to continuing to support community economic empowerment activities through various CSR programs. The Company will continue to strive to create initiatives that benefit the surrounding community and help improve the welfare of the surrounding community. BPI is committed to supporting community development and environmental sustainability through various corporate social responsibility initiatives. (*)