Implement Electricity Safety System, Batang Power Plant Received Blue Predicate for Electricity Safety

Bhimasena Power-Batang Power Plant, JAKARTA - PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia ("BPI") as the owner of the Central Java Power Plant 2x1,000 MW ("Batang Power Plant") received the Electricity Safety ("K2") appreciation with the Blue Predicate from the Directorate General of Electricity of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources ("DJK MEMR") of the Republic of Indonesia for its compliance in fulfilling the implementation of K2 and submitting a report on the implementation of the Electrical Safety Management System ("SMK2"). HSE Manager, Herlan Widodo as the Person in Charge of Electricity Safety ("PJK2") represented the Company to receive the appreciation at the Birawa Assembly Hall, Hotel Bidakara Jakarta on Friday, October 4, 2024.
Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources ("ESDM") Number 10 of 2021 concerning K2, the predicate of compliance with the implementation of SMK2 consists of the predicate of Green, Blue, Red and Black obedience. Meanwhile, obedience awards are given to companies with gold and silver predicate. K2 is all efforts or measures to secure electrical power supply installations and secure electric power users to realize reliable and safe conditions for installations, safe conditions from danger to humans and other living things, and environmentally friendly conditions for the vicinity of electric power installations.
Director General of Electricity of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Jisman P. Hutajulu said that the awarding of the electricity safety award is a form of government appreciation to business entities in the electricity sector, especially owners or managements of electric power installations who have gone through the best performance and innovation in implementing electricity safety.
"I congratulate the recipients of the 2024 Electricity Safety Award for this selfless achievement and contribution has great meaning to realize national development goals, especially in order to maintain a reliable, safe and environmentally friendly supply of electricity providers. We hope that electricity safety is not just the fulfilment of obligations but can become a safety culture that continues to be improved," concluded Jisman P. Hutajulu.
PJK2 Batang Power Plant Herlan Widodo said that the awarding of this appreciation was carried out through an assessment process carried out by the K2 Assessment Team. Based on the assessment of SMK2 for the 2023 period, BPI received the status of Obedient with the BLUE Predicate.
"We will continue to strive to remain consistent in implementing the K2 culture in carrying out operational activities and business processes at the Batang Power Plant to create reliable and safe conditions for installation, safe from danger to humans and other living things, and environmentally friendly," said Herlan Widodo. (*)