Prioritize Shipping Safety And Security BPI Holds Socialization Of Shipping Lanes In The Special Terminal Batang Power Plant

Bhimasena Power, Batang Power Plant - Dozens of fishermen from six villages around Batang Power Plant, namely Ujungnegoro, Klidang Wetan, Klidang Lor, Kedungsegog, Sengon and Depok Villages, attended the Socialization of the Implementation of the Special Terminal Shipping Flow of PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia (BPI) in the Hall of the Batang Regency Investment and One-Stop Integrated Service Office, Thursday, October 17, 2024.
Based on Minister of Transportation Regulation No. 129/2016 and its amendments, shipping lanes are waters that in terms of depth, width and free of other shipping obstacles are considered safe and secure for sea transportation vessels to navigate. The implementation of shipping lanes in special terminals is determined by the Shipping Lanes Operator Permit for Business Entities stipulated by the Minister.
This activity was initiated by BPI by cooperating with the Directorate of Navigations, Directorate General of Sea Transportation, Ministry of Transportation as a resource person. The material presented by the resource person was related to the implementation of the BPI special terminal entry shipping lanes based on the Decree of the Minister of Transportation Number KM 110 of 2024 concerning the Implementation of the PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia Special Terminal Entry Shipping Lanes.
PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia issued on September 11, 2024 which regulates the coordinates of the channel boundaries, route system, traffic procedures, vessel berthing areas and channel-navigation maps.
In addition to fishermen, this activity was also attended by representatives from the Central Java Provincial Maritime and Fisheries Service, Type A Class II Navigation District of Tanjung Emas, Batang Regency Maritime, Fisheries and Livestock Service, Batang Environmental Service, Batang Transportation Service, Batang Class III Port Management Unit Office, Klidang Lor Beach Fishing Port, Batang Marine and Fisheries Resources Monitoring Unit, Batang All Indonesian Fishermen Association, port service users and port business entities.
Head of the Batang Class III Port Management Unit Office (KUPP), Sugiyanto, said that ship traffic in the KUPP Batang working area has never had an accident (zero accident), therefore it is appealed to all fishermen to always obey the rules. In addition, it is hoped that the socialization material that has been delivered can be disseminated to other fishermen.
"The shipping lanes in the BPI special terminal are regulations that must be obeyed by fishermen and all port users, so that in sailing they must understand the coordinates determined by the government," explained Sugianto.
Edo Bhimawardhana, Sub-coordinator of Flow and Passage Survey, Directorate of Kenavigasian, Directorate General of Hubla, explained that the flow of shipping into the port is made to direct the flow into and out of the port safely, securely and efficiently until the ship docks at the dock.
"These shipping lanes are important for the public to know, especially fishermen in their activities by paying attention to the security, safety and orderliness of the surrounding traffic, so as to avoid unwanted things. All of this is certainly for the benefit and smooth running of all parties," explained Edo Bhimawardhana.
BPI's General Manager Stakeholder Relations, represented by Assistant Manager Permit & Government Relations Wicaksono P. Aji, explained that this activity was carried out to fulfill the mandate of the Batang Power Plant Environmental Approval and to inform stakeholders that BPI already has a BPI Special Terminal Entry Shipping Flow Permit based on the Decree of the Minister of Transportation No. KM 110 of 2024 issued on September 11, 2024.
"The designated shipping channel route system is one-way with a width of 150m. Various navigational aids have been installed in the shipping lanes. We hope that with the implementation of this socialization activity, sustainability and the main function as a safe channel for shipping will be maintained," said Wicaksono P. Aji.
Wicaksono P. Aji added that this socialization activity is the company's support and concern together with the government to realize orderly ship traffic, ensure safety and security of navigation and protection of the maritime environment.
The Chairman of the Batang Regency Branch of the Indonesian Fishermen Association (HNSI), Teguh Tarmujo, appreciated this socialization activity by presenting fishermen from several villages, thus increasing fishermen's awareness of the designated shipping lanes.
"This socialization activity is useful for fishermen to know the boundaries of which areas are allowed to pass. In addition, it is hoped that BPI and the government have provided clear navigation aids to facilitate fishermen in their activities at sea," said Teguh Tarmujo. (*)