Caring for Coastal Areas, BPI Supports KKP and UNDIP Collaboration in Soft Launching Pilot Project for Innovation in Area Development Based on Utilization of Sedimentation Results in Morodemak Waters

Bhimasena Power - Batang Power Plant, Demak - PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia (BPI) supports the government program in the soft launch of the Model of Area Development Based on Utilization of Sedimentation Results in Morodemak Waters, which is a collaboration between the Indonesian Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) and Diponegoro University (UNDIP), which was inaugurated by the Indonesian Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Sakti Wahyu Trenggono on Friday (10/11/2024) at Morodemak Beach Fishing Port. The event was attended by Acting Governor of Central Java, Nana Sudjana, Acting Regent of Demak, KH Ali Makhsun, BPI Chief Operating Officer Yoshimitsu Fujii, stakeholders and hundreds of local fishermen.
The Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Sakti Wahyu Trenggono, said that with the rehabilitation or revitalization program in the Morodemak area, it could later be useful to support the livelihood of the local community and improve the surrounding environmental ecosystem and preserve the marine environment by regulating the management of sedimentation results.
"This is a rule-based to manage the results of sedimentation in the sea so as not to reduce the carrying capacity of coastal and marine ecosystems, while providing a positive impact from the ecological aspect and economic benefits," explained Sakti Wahyu Trenggono.
The pilot project of innovation in the development of areas based on the sustainable use of sediments is one of the implementations of PP No. 26 of 2023.
"We develop the area with the concept of rehabilitation, mangrove planting, area structuring and development of Silvo fisheries, edu-mangrove and local catch-based culinary," he explained.
He also hopes that the development of this area will promote marine economic growth in the next five to ten years and ensure the sustainability of the marine ecosystem. The development of this area will take five years and will involve collaboration with various parties such as universities, local governments, NGOs, businesses, and other stakeholders.
Director General of Marine and Spatial Management (PKRL), Victor Gustaaf Manoppo, added that the soft launch event was attended by more than 200 people from various backgrounds.
"The development of this area is the first step in controlling sedimentation in the sea and rehabilitating coastal areas. KKP, together with the Diponegoro University team, has developed a master plan for the development of the area, which is currently being implemented with the main strategy of revitalizing ecological, economic, and social functions," said Victor Gustaaf Manoppo.
As part of the collaboration, KKP is working with parties such as PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia, PT PLN Nusantara Power, PT Pelabuhan Indonesia, PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur, PT Pertamina (Persero) and other partners who participate in CSR programs to support the development of this area.
BPI Chief Operating Officer Yoshimitsu Fujii explained that the company supports this program because it is in line with the company's mission to create harmony with the environment, through this program we implement the CSR Environment Program by donating 6,000 mangroves as an effort to protect, preserve and control sedimentation in the sea and at the same time mitigate natural disasters of tsunami, flooding and sea level rise by rehabilitating coastal areas.
"We hope that this cooperation can help the government to improve the socio-economic conditions of coastal communities in Morodemak and coastal communities in Central Java Province in general," said Yoshimitsu Fujii.
Yoshimitsu Fujii added that the company has implemented various CSR - Environment programs in Batang Regency, such as cooperating with UNDIP in the Blue Economy Program by using FABA for the manufacture of fish houses and artificial corals, planting tens of thousands of shelter plant seedlings in the Batang Power Plant area, as well as cooperating with the Batang Regency Environment Office and other partners to plant trees in watersheds, especially in social forestry forest use permit lands and springs in Tombo village. (*)