Commemorating Teachers Day, Batang Power Plant Supports Literacy and Numeracy Improvement Programs

Bhimasena Power, PLTU Batang – In commemoration of Teacher's Day and efforts to improve the quality of education in the Batang Power Plant area, PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia (BPI) supports Literacy and Numeracy Training activities for teachers who teach in grades 1, 2, and 3 as well as library officers at the elementary school level consisting of SDN Ujungnegoro 1 & 2, SDN Karanggeneng 1 & 2, SDN Depok 1 & 2, SDN Wonokerso 1 & 2, and SDN Ponowareng 01 on November 21-22 at SDN Ujungnegoro 01.
BPI collaborates with various parties to implement CSR-Education programs, such as the Education and Culture Office of Batang Regency, the Central Java Province Education Quality Assurance Center (BBPMP) for the annual literacy and numeracy training program for teachers in grades 4, 5, and 6 in 28 partner schools, as well as partnering with the Tanoto Foundation for literacy and numeracy training for the teachers of grade 1, 2 and 3 at the elementary school level fostered by the company.
BPI Stakeholder Relations General Manager Aryamir Sulasmoro represented by BPI's CSR & Community Relations Manager, Ahmad Lukman said that this activity is the company's effort to support the improvement of the quality of education in Batang Regency, especially in elementary schools around the Batang Power Plant.
"In this activity, we collaborate with the Tanoto Foundation as a partner in the implementation of training programs for teachers with the hope that this program can be a catalyst for the success of education in this area, as well as provide added value through a best practice-based approach in the field of education," said Ahmad Lukman.
The Head of the Batang Regency Education and Culture Office, Bambang Suryantoro Soedibyo, SH., M.Si. expressed his appreciation for BPI's concern for literacy and numeracy programs for teachers in elementary schools is very helpful for the success of education.
"Literacy is not only about the ability to read, but also to understand and criticize information, while numeracy is a numeracy skill that supports logic and problem solving. This ability is very important for teachers and students to have in the future," said Bambang Suryantoro Soedibyo.
The Principal of SDN Ujungnegoro 01 Intarti said that this training aims to strengthen teachers' ability to deliver literacy material creatively, interestingly, and effectively and in accordance with the needs and characteristics of students, encourage collaboration between teachers, and improve student academic achievement with the support of competent teachers.
"This training is expected to have a significant impact on the teaching and learning process in nine target schools. Teachers and library staff involved are expected to be able to develop more effective literacy and numeracy learning plans, integrate literacy and numeracy in school library activities, and increase student motivation to learn through an interesting and contextual approach," said Intarti.
During the training, participants were invited to understand the importance of literacy and numeracy as the foundation of quality education. Participants are also trained to devise teaching strategies that are innovative, student engagement-oriented, and relevant to local needs. (*)