
Bhimasena Lentera Lingkungan: Commemorating National Waste Awareness Day BPI Supports Batang Environmental Agency to Hold Waste Management Socialization in Overcoming Waste Emergency in Batang Regency

Bhimasena Power, Batang Power Plant - PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia (BPI) through the Bhimasena Lentera Lingkungan Program supports the Batang Regency Environmental Agency (DLH) to hold a socialization of waste management in village communities in the context of National Waste Awareness Day and anticipation of waste emergencies in Batang Regency in Kandeman Sub-District on February 24-25, 2025. This activity was attended by the Village Head, Empowerment and Welfare of Village Families (PKK), Village Consultative Body (BPD), Village Apparatus, Trash Bank Groups throughout Kandeman Sub-District.

Head of DLH Batang Achmad Handy Hakim, S.Sos said that this socialization activity was based on the situation in Batang Regency which began to experience a waste emergency condition because the waste management infrastructure was already in an alarming condition. Currently, the condition of the Randukuning Landfill has begun to experience overcapacity.
"We consider that currently strategic steps are needed to overcome this problem by collaborating with the community and other relevant stakeholders. This socialization activity aims to provide an understanding of the preparation of Village Regulations related to waste management and good waste management practices. Especially sorting organic waste at the village level and processing it into compost that is useful and has economic value," concluded the Head of DLH Batang. 
DLH Batang in collaboration with BPI presented various speakers from PT Xaviera Global Syenergy who focused on waste management, presentations from the Secretary of DLH, Head of P2KL, and Head of Environmental Management. 
Aryamir H. Sulasmoro, General Manager of Stakeholder Relations of BPI, appreciated DLH Batang for inviting BPI to synergize in various environmental programs in Batang Regency.
"We hope that this activity can increase public awareness about the importance of sorting waste from home by separating organic and non-organic waste. The socialization of Waste Management which coincides with National Waste Day is expected to be a momentum for all of us to care more about the environment," said Aryamir.
Member of Commission II of the Batang DPRD Slamet Supriyadi, S.E in this forum conveyed the same thing as the Head of DLH Batang that the government and all stakeholders can jointly carry out waste management.
"We appreciate DLH Batang and BPI for providing attention and concern for waste management in Batang Regency. Especially BPI which has provided assistance to 14 trash banks in Tulis and Kandeman Sub-Districts, we hope that BPI's CSR activities related to waste management can be improved," concluded Slamet Supriyadi, S.E.
The same thing was also conveyed by a member of Commission II of the Batang DPRD H. Nur Faizin, S.Ag, who advised the people of Batang, especially the people in Kandeman District, to care about the waste produced, it would be better for the organic waste produced to be processed in households. Hopefully Batang Regency will be free from the waste problem.
The P2KL Division of DLH Batang explained the management of solid waste and liquid waste (waste) which is not only solid waste that must be managed. Liquid waste also needs to be managed properly, especially at the source (household scale). Liquid waste must be sorted and separated from solid waste. Because if not, it is feared that during transportation it will be scattered, besides that it can also cause pollution in both groundwater and river water. For this reason, a wastewater treatment plant is needed that can reduce pollutants originating from household activities, both locally and centrally. So that the processed water from Wastewater Treatment Plan that will be impaled/discarded/utilized has met the required quality standards.
"One of the habits related to waste handling that we often encounter in the community is by burning. In fact, burning waste (especially direct burning of waste or open burning of waste) will release harmful substances into the air, which if inhaled will have a negative impact on human health. Direct burning of waste from organic waste such as wood, dry leaves, food waste will produce vapors containing toxic gases such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons and other greenhouse gases, while burning plastic waste will produce toxic gases such as nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, volatile chemicals (VOCs), polycyclic organic matter (POC), heavy metals such as dioxins,  Benzo(a)pyrene (BAP), Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH's) of which the latter two gases are mentioned have been scientifically proven to cause cancer.
Burning garbage openly also triggers the greenhouse gas effect. Greenhouse gases produced from burning waste can cause global warming and climate change." added material from the Environmental Management Division of DLH.
Meanwhile, Luthfi as a speaker from PT Xaviera Global Syenergy said that the steps that must be taken to anticipate waste emergencies and landfill overcapacity are to sort waste from sources, namely households, so that not all waste in the community is directly sent to the landfill but must be sorted first.
"To support this program, it can be done in several ways, namely providing education to the community about waste sorting and the dangers of unprocessed waste, forming waste management institutions such as waste banks, waste management business groups approved by the Decree of the Village Head or Village Head, and regulating financing patterns at the stage of collection, transportation and management of Reduce Waste Treatment Sites ,  Reuse, Recycle (TPS3R).
BPI's support for the DLH Batang program is an implementation of the Bhimasena Lentera Lingkungan program, which is BPI's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program in the scope of environmental socio-culture. This program is in line with the company's mission to provide benefits and empower the community and the environment around the Batang Power Plant.