BPI Will Builds Jetty Port for Coal Loading and Unloading in Batang Power Plant Area

Jakarta, April 20th , 2016 – PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia (BPI) ensure that the company will build its own jetty port to support the process of loading and unloading for construction equipment and coal supply for the power plant. The jetty will be built adjacent to the power plant, so that the coal supply distribution will be efficient.
“According to the master plan, BPI will build jetty as temporary port for loading and unloading of construction equipment and coal in the vicinity of the power plant area. From the beginning of this project, there are no plans to use Batang port to unload coal supply for the power plant, "said Mohammad Effendi, President Director of BPI, Wednesday (20/4).
According to Effendi construction of jetty for unloading coal port will also be adapted to environmental conditions. Thus the existence of the port does not pollute the environment or disrupt community activities whom mostly are fisherman.
"As the person in charge of Batangpower plant project with capacity 2 x 1.000 MW, BPI will always be consistent to maintain the ecosystem and the environment surrounding the project," he said.
BPI has obtained the Environmental Permit on August 21, 2013 by Central Java Governor Decree No. 660.1 / 37 Year 2013. In a document on environmental impact assessment (EIA) and the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), BPI has also delivered a number of programs to address the impact of the activity of the power plant in Central Java both the impact of environmental, social, and economic.
For example, to address the impact of land acquisition, BPI has given social compensation to the affected farmers. BPI has also prepared a replacement land for the affected tenant farmers in the affected villages for their livelihood. To the affected fisherman, the solution given them by installing fish aggregated devices (FADs) and installation of navigational aids.
"BPI with the community and local government in Batang continue to socialize so that the existence of this power plant is able to provide greater benefits. BPI will also help communities around the power plant in order to optimize economic opportunities for the improvement of their welfare, "said Effendi.
Since the beginning of power plant development project in Batang in 2011, BPI continues to actively build and promote economic growth and development in the region. Economic development program carried out for example by forming numbers of Community Business Group (KUB), the provision of micro capital through microfinance institutions (MFIs), and employment. To improve the quality of human resources, BPI consistently involved various skills training and entrepreneurship training to the community.
BPI on April 6th, 2016 had signed amendments for Electricity Purchase Agreement (PPA) with PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) (PLN). The amendment is a condition of the extension of required financing date (RFD) to meet the financial closure until June 6, 2016. BPI is a joint venture company involving the three consortium, Electric Power Development Co., Ltd. ("J-Power"), Itochu Corporation ("Itochu") and PT Adaro Power, which is wholly owned by PT Adaro Energy.
Effendi explained that the extension of time is evidence for government full support to accelerated development of Batangpower plant. "BPI has the same commitment to be able to accelerate the power plant project in Batang. We greatly appreciate the positive support and cooperative attitude of the government which has consistently supported this project for the national interest, " said Effendi.