Batang Regency Profile
History of Batang Regency
Batang Regency located in Central Java Province with an area of 78,864.16 hectares. From the total area, 22,411.08 hectares (28.42%) is rice field and 56,453.16 hectares (71.58%) is dry land. The current regency administration is divided into 15 districts and 248 villages.
Location Map Central Java Coal Fired Power Plant 2X 1.000 MW

History of Batang

Based on historical records, Batang Regency has experienced two periods of the regency administration. First period started at the emergence of 2nd Islamic Mataram Kingdom, dated from the 17th century to the 20th century (December 13th, 1935). The second period started since the beginning of The New Order (April 8th 1966) to date.
When the regency status was abolished from January 1st, 1936 until April 8th 1966, Batang joined with Pekalongan Regency. In 1946, after Indonesia’s Independence, the idea to restore the regency status began to emerge.
In 1952, The Committee of Batang Regency Restoration established, led by influential public figures and legislatures. Batang Regency status can be restored after 14 years of effort.
Batang Regency local government established by Law No. 9 of 1965, which was published in the State Gazette No. 52, dated June 14th, 1965 and the Instruction of the Home Minister of No. 20 of 1965, dated July 14th, 1965. In April 8th, 1966, Raden Sadi Poerwopranoto inaugurated as the first regent of Batang.
Topographical conditions of Batang Regency are varied including coastal, lowland and mountainous topography. There are five mountains with an average altitude above 2,000 meters.

Based on the registration result at the end of 2014, the population of Batang Regency is 718,453 people, consisting of 359,074 males and 359,379 females. Batang Regency population density is 916 per km2.
Employment, 34.10% of Batang Regency population works in the agricultural sector of food crops, plantations and fisheries. While 12.64% works in the commerce sector and 15.72% works in the industrial sector.

The education level of the Batang Regency population, 30.72% not/not yet graduated from primary school, 41.32% graduated from primary school, 16.14% graduated from junior high school, 8.85% graduated from senior high school and 2.98% graduated from Diploma (I, II, III & IV). For the distribution of religion in Batang Regency, 99.57% are Muslim, 0.18% are Catholic, 0.23% are Protestant, 0.01% are Buddhist, and 0.01% are Hindu.
Agricultural potential in the field of food crops, one of the favoured commodities is rice, in 2014 production reached 1,787,260 quintals. Corn production reached 489,100 quintals, cassava reached 474,540 quintals and sweet potato reached 369,810 quintals. Favoured plantation commodities are rubber, cotton, coconut and tea.
Favoured livestock commodities are cattle, buffalo, horses, goats, sheep. Also chickens, ducks and geese. While in the fisheries sector includes marine fishery production reached 220,704.04 quintals, inland fisheries reached 11,670 quintals of fish produced in ponds and 486 quintals of shrimps.
Batang Regency Potential
Batang Regency has a big potential in the development of natural, cultural and religious tourism. Some beach tourism has a great potential to be developed. Industry and some of the leading commodity is now a priority for Batang Regency local government.
Natural Tourism Ujungnegoro Beach
Ujungnegoro Beach is one of the most beautiful beaches and become a leading tourist destination in Batang Regency. It has a special attraction for religious tourist and become one of their targeted destinations. On the top of coastal cliffs, there is the sacred tomb of Sheikh Maulana Maghribi, one of the figures who spread Islam in Batang.
Batang Regency also has some other coastal tourist destination, such as Sigandu Beach. But in the last four years, the beach had exposed to abrasion. Then Celong Beach, in Subah District, has a beautiful collection of coral along the coastline, adjacent to the railway line located along the coast.
Ujungnegoro Beach
Mlalar cliff, the village Ujungnegoro
Coral Coast region Maeso, Depok Village, District Kandeman
Karangmaeso Beach, Depok Village
Jodo beach located in the most eastern coast and adjacent with Kendal Regency border. Overgrown by casuarina, this beach is often used as a military academy cadet training ground by Indonesian National Army (TNI), Magelang.
Syeikh Maulana Maghribi Sacred Tomb
Haul atmosphere at Tomb of sheikh Maulana Maghribi, Village Wonobodro, November 2015
Sheikh Maulana Maghribi is a figure of preachers from the Middle East, who spread religious values of Islam (syiar) in Java. The tomb of Sheikh Maulana Maghribi spread across a number of areas in Java. In Batang, there are two sacred tomb of Sheikh Maulana Maghribi, located in Ujungnegoro village, Kandeman district, and in Wonobodro village, Blado district.
Sheikh Maulana Maghribi sacred tomb in Ujungnegoro village located in the top of coastal cliff of Ujungnegoro beach. The tomb is directly adjacent with Central Java Power Plant (CJPP) 2x1000 MW construction area.
Every month of Safar (based on Islamic calendar), there is mass celebration and feast (Haul) on 15th Safar. The largest and most crowded celebration of Sheikh Maulana Maghribi Haul took place in the tomb of Sheikh Maulana Maghribi, Wonobodro village, Blado district. This is because in this area there are also a number of other tombs, such as the tomb of Sheikh Sunan Kudus, Sheikh Bandi Maktis, Sheikh Fakir Sugih, Ki Agung Pekalongan, Sheikh Bahureksa, Sheikh Ki Ageng Wonobodro, and the students or pupils of Sheikh Maulana Maghribi.
Another religious tourism site is the tomb of Syeikh Tholabuddin located in Masin village, Warungasem district, and the tomb of Syeikh Surgi Jati Kusumo located in Pasekaran village, Batang Regency.
The Tomb of Sheikh Maulana Maghribi, Village Wonobodro
Pagilaran Agro Tea Plantation

Natural tourism sites that equally compelling are in the mountainous terrains, such as East Selopajang Agro, Pagilaran Agro Tea Plantation, Hot Spring Baths, Sangubanya village, Bandar Ecopark, and Tubing Pandansari.
Tourist area of tea plantations Pagilaran
Tea pickers carrying tea harvest
Pagilaran Agro Tea Plantation is the only one tea plantation attraction that located in the mountain with lots of natural tourism features. Visitors can walk around the tea plantation and tea factory area (tea walk) while picking the tea leaf.
Visitors can see and feel the process of making tea in the factory. Start from how to pick the right tea leaf, to how to choose tea leaf to be produced and also enjoy the warmth and freshness of newly produced tea.
Site Tourism/Arca
Batang Regency has a cultural heritage. Relics of ancient history can be found in some remote villages. This cultural heritage is protected by Law No.11 of 2010, about Cultural Heritage.
Ganesha historical site, Silurah Village, Wonotunggal District
Ganesha Statue
Ganesha historical sites, found in Silurah village, Wonotunggal district. There are also Ganesha statue, Shiva statue and Yoni statue that can be found in Brokoh village, Wonotunggal district.
Batu Gajah, Brokoh Village, Wonotunggal District
Batu Gajah, Brokoh Village, Wonotunggal District
Desa Wisata Sodong is Salak fruit plantation area for tourism in Sodong Village, Wonotunggal District
Cultural Heritage, Batangan Batik
Batang Batik
Batang Batik
The art of Batang batik motif has existed since the Hindu-Budhist Kingdom in Java. Batangan Batik is one of the cultural expressions of Batang society. In terms of style or motif, Batangan Batik influenced by Pekalongan and Pesisiran batik. However, Batangan Batik has its own motif and characteristics, different from the batik in Pekalongan, Surakarta Lasem, Rembang, Banyumas, Tegal, Solo and other areas.
Batangan Batik has a dominant dark brown color shades also known as “Sogan”. However, the times make Batangan batik motif has undergone a change following the present trend, without leaving the characteristic of Batangan batik.
Batik workers activity in the workshop Batik Bulan
In the era of the 60s and 70s, the process of making batik in Batang was performed traditionally, so it has a distinctive and artistic value. The majority of craftsmen make written batik, and the rest make stamped batik. Now the market has shifted to follow the latest trend, from written batik into stamped batik.
These days the combination of written-stamped batik becomes more popular.Combination between traditional and modern art has produces an outstanding batik.
The process of making batik in Batik Bulan Workshop
Batik equipment, chanting chop owned by Batik Choris
Batangan Batik, The Third Generation
Batik Choris is the third generation of Batangan Batik heritage. Haji Slamet who has been on Batangan Batik since the 1930s had batik Batangan brand name “Batang Asli” (Original Batang) and still survived until the 1970s.
Batangan Batik business Haji Slamet handed over to Haji Abu Syari, as the heir and successor of Haji Slamet Batangan Batik business, since the 1970s. Tenacity, patience and batik expertise from his parents, down to the child to continue Batangan Batik, as a cultural heritage of indigenous Batang community.
Haji Abu Syari who was born at 1943, pass down the art of batik to his children to continue and develop Batangan Batik, legacy from their grandfather. As the second generation, Haji Abu Syari made his own brand, “Batik Antik” (Antique Batik) that is still existed until today and continued by his son, Abdul Aziz, although their business in stagnant.
As time goes by and batik business becomes more competitive, Batik Antik failed to follow trends and drowning in the world of batik. Although the Batik Antik brand still exists, its production tends to none.
Batik Batangan motives, produced by Batik Bulan
Aris Ikhmawati, owner of Choris Batik
Aris Ikhmawati, the fifth children of Haji Abu Syari, become the next successor to continue the business of Batangan Batik, legacy of her grandfather. With the brand “Batik Choris” Aris Ikhmawati continue to develop and produce Batangan Batik on a large scale. As a wife of Abdul Kholik, she began to rise, and continue Batangan Batik that characterizes Batang Regency. Although it started in the 2000s, Batik Choris already familiar in Batang and Pekalongan community. In fact, this batik had penetrated up to Jakarta, Bali and other big cities in Indonesia.
Aris Ikhmawati, who was born on July 27, 1976, claimed that there are many obstacles running her batik business. However, with her consistency brings batik motif and pattern of Batangan Batik, Batik Choris still exists and continues to grow.
With her spirit and confidence, Aris Ikhmawati wants to raise and restore the popularity of her parents and grandparents Batangan Batik, using “Batik Choris”. Her goal is when people are talking about Batangan Batik, they will refer to Batik Choris.
Batik Choris has become icon of Batangan Batik. This is proven by the use of Batik Choris for Batang Regency civil servant and public school uniform.
Most of batik that produced today are combination batik (written and stamp), and contemporary batik. These types of batik follow the increased creative demand from consumers, without leaving the original motif from Batang.
Original motif from Batang that still exist and produced by Batik Choris, such as Parekesit motif, Gringsingan motif, Sido Luhur/ Lyrical /Rujak Beling motif and Sido Mukti motif. While Batangan motif has its own characteristic using sogan/irengan/dark brown color.
Sogan color on Batangan batik usually used for basic color on the fabric with white colored motif called “remukan”. “Canting” used to make batik have a big influence on the desired motif.
Batangan Batik Contemporary
Leading Commodity
Batang leading commodity comes from farming, plantation, livestock and services sector. Farming sector leading commodities are corn, soybean, potato, pineapple, banana, sweet potato and cassava. Plantation sector leading commodities are rubber, sugarcane, cashew, coffee, coconut, cocoa, palm, cotton, pepper, patchouli, tea, tobacco and cloves. Livestock sector leading commodities are cow, goat, buffalo and sheep. Services sector leading commodities are natural tourism and cultural tourism. For supporting the economic activity, this regency also had one port called The Batang Port.
Emping Mlinjo
One of the leading commodities from Batang is Emping Mlinjo from Limpung district. This product has been marketed to various major cities in Indonesia, and exported to Singapore, Malaysia and Australia. Increased production of Emping Mlinjo impact on local supply of raw material chips called mlinjo. It must be imported from outside the region, such as Yogyakarta, Purwokerto, and Banten.
The process of making emping mlinjo by community development by PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia
Fish auctions
Batang regency has 38.73 kilometers coastline stretched from the Batang district, Tulis district, Subah district, Limpung district and Gringsing district. Most of the populations in the district are located in the North Coast.
Their livelihood mostly as fisherman and marine fish processor. Fisherman catches mostly consumed as fresh fish, and partly processed into salted fish, boiled fish, smoked fish, fish meal, paste, etcetera.
Fisherman activity on fish auction, TPI Klidang Lor 1, Batang
Shipyard Wood
Center of wooden fishing boats manufacturing becoming one of the leading industries in Batang. Wooden fishing boat produced by Klidang Lor Village and North Karangasem Village has its own characteristics which attract fisherman and fish entrepreneurs.
Batang fishing boat characteristics are on the front bow and bowshaped rear taper (tapered). This ship is better known by the fisherman as the ship of Pekalongan. Over the years, the origin of Chinese fisherman from Bagansiapiapi started making wooden fishing boats in the area Pekalongan and Batang.
Batang Regency has its own wooden fishing boat characteristics as a result from combination of ship from Bagansiapiapi and Pekalongan. The front bow-shaped is taper and the widened rear bow (Elber). This characteristic inherent and known as Batang ship. Batang characteristic become known among Indonesian fisherman and abroad.
Around 1990s, wooden fishing boat industry began to rise with orders from various regions in Indonesia and abroad. Most consumers change the function of Batang fishing boat to tourist boats and pearl seeding transport.
The frame oftransport ship for pearl breeding
Jasmine plantation in Batang Regency located in the north coast area. This plantation located in Depok village, Ujungnegoro village, Kandeman district, West Denasri village, East Denasri village, North Karangsari, sub district and Batang district coastal area.
Most of the jasmine harvest is sold to the tea company in Pekalongan and Tegal.
Jasmine plantation in Depok village, Kandeman district, Batang regency