CSR Report





Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2022


Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2021


Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020


Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2019


Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2018




In 2016 as BPI completed financial close of the CFPP project and officially started construction, BPI’s CSR program could be implemented optimally and well-received by affected communities in affected villages. A total of 14 villages were supported through the CSR Program. Villages receiving support focused in 5 thematic areas: Economic Development; Infrastructure; Education; Health; and Socio-Culture, Environment and Religion.


BPI’s CSR Program was implemented based on local needs, socio-cultural conditions, affected village and alignment with government programs. The CSR Program was implemented with a focus on transparency, accountability, strong record keeping, sustainability, and through prioritizing a participatory approach. The CSR program is strongly aligned with the government’s programs, considering their urgent priorities, policies and need for resource sharing by establishing partnerships. 


BPI implemented the CSR Program in collaboration with partners from NGOs, the private sector and government offices, given its implementation philosophy in strengthening local implementation capacity and complementing existing government programs through sharing of resources, expertise, risks and responsibility.  


From the private and NGO sector, BPI’s implementing partners included LDP-KJKS and KOMIDA for the Micro Finance Institution (MFI) program, the Coca Cola Foundation Indonesia, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for Village Library Program, and Provision Education for the Environmentally Operated School Program (Adiwiyata Program). BPI also worked closely with Batang Government Offices as implementing partners. The CSR program worked in partnership with: the Batang Education & Culture Office for the Adiwiyata Program; the Batang Marine & Fishery Office for the fisherman program; the Batang  Health Office for the Health Program; the Batang Environment Office for the Trash Bank Program; and the Batang Library & Archive Office for the Village Library Program.


During 2016, the CSR program developed, revitalized & strengthened Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) such as MFIs, Village Health Forum, Village Health Volunteer, Village Library, Trash Bank and the Environmental Operated School. These CSOs received capacity building and resources that enable them to empower their own community. They will be the future of CSR program implementing partners.


These implementing partners collaborated with each other in order to improve their ability to provide local support, through leveraging local CSOs and technical expertise to effectively implement programs.  


The 2016 Program aimed to increase community well-being by considering short-term job creation as well as long-term capacity building for the affected farmers, fishermen, and their families. Activities were conducted to support livelihoods, education, and health.


As a result, a total number of 17,763 accumulated beneficiaries were supported through the various CSR projects and activities.


►Targeted Areas: Map to show outreached area 

►Targeted Beneficiaries:
1. Economic Development –1,896 people
2. MFI –10,006 people
3. Infrastructure –1,576 people (job creation) and 131 improved community facilities
4. Education –13 islamic school mini libraries, 8 village libraries & 5 Environmentally Operated Schools 
5. Health –4,432 infants & senior citizen & 249 health volunteer/medical staffs.
For more information regarding BPI CSR implementing partners, please kindly find details below:
1. Village library/Perpuseru         : http://perpuseru.org/
2. Koperasi Mitra Dhuafa/ KOMIDA : http://mitradhuafa.com/

Result of 2016 BPI CSR Program Implementation



In 2015, BPI’s CSR program actively implemented initiatives for affected communities. A total of 14 villages were supported through BPI’s CSR Program across 5 thematic areas: Economic Development; Infrastructure; Education; Health; and Socio-Culture, Environment and Religion.
BPI’s CSR Program was implemented based on local needs, socio-cultural conditions, affected village and alignment with government programs. The CSR Program was implemented with a focus on transparency, accountability, strong record keeping, sustainability, and through prioritizing a participatory approach. The CSR program is strongly aligned with the government’s programs, considering their urgent priorities, policies and need for resource sharing by establishing partnerships. 
BPI implemented the CSR Program in collaboration with partners from NGOs, the private sector and government offices, given its implementation philosophy in strengthening local implementation capacity and complementing existing government programs through sharing of resources, expertise, risks and responsibility.  
From the private and NGO sector, BPI’s implementing partners included LDP-KJKS and KOMIDA for the Micro Finance Institution (MFI) program, the Coca Cola Foundation Indonesia, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for Village Library Program. BPI also worked closely with Batang Government Offices as implementing partners. BPI’s CSR program worked in partnership with: the Batang Marine & Fishery Office for the fisherman program; the Batang Health Office for the Health Program; the Batang Environment Office for the Mangrove Rehabilitation Program; and the Batang Library & Archive Office for the Village Library Program.
During 2015, the CSR program started developing, revitalizing and strengthening Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) such as MFIs, Village Health Volunteers, and the Village Library. These CSOs received capacity building training and resources that enables them to empower their own community. They will be the future CSR program implementing partners.
These implementing partners collaborated with each other in order to improve their ability to provide local support, through leveraging local CSOs and technical expertise to effectively implement programs.  
The 2015 Program aimed to increase community well-being by considering short-term job creation as well as long-term capacity building for the affected farmers, fishermen, and their families. Activities were conducted to support livelihoods, education, and health. Continued from 2012, small gatherings kept being conducted actively, in order for communities to better understand the Project, and for better communications between communities and BPI, in association with CSR programs. The number of such gatherings amounted to 195 times in 2015.
As a result, a total number of 11,163 accumulated beneficiaries were supported through the various CSR projects and activities.
►Targeted Areas: Map to show outreached area 


►Targeted Beneficiaries:

1. Economic Development –1,416 people

2. MFI –6,724 people

3. Infrastructure –973 people (job creation) and 82 improved community facilities such as mosque and clean water instalation

4. Education –2 village libraries & 15 islamic schools

5. Health –2,433 infants & senior citizen & 197 health volunteer/medical staffs.


For more information regarding BPI CSR implementing partners, please kindly find details below:

1. Village library/Perpuseru : http://perpuseru.org/

2. Koperasi Mitra Dhuafa/ KOMIDA : http://mitradhuafa.com/


Result of 2015 BPI CSR Program Implementation



In 2014, BPI’s CSR program was implemented to execute the Environmental Impact Assessment (AMDAL) obligations and Land Acquisition Program. A total of 10 villages were supported through BPI’s CSR Program in five thematic areas: Economic Development; Infrastructure; Education; Socio-Culture; and Health.


BPI’s CSR Program was implemented based on local needs, socio-cultural conditions, affected village and alignment with government programs. The CSR Program was implemented with a focus on transparency, accountability, strong record keeping, sustainability, and through prioritizing a participatory approach. The CSR program is strongly aligned with the government’s programs, considering their urgent priorities, policies and need for resource sharing by establishing partnerships. 


BPI implemented the CSR Program in collaboration with partners from NGOs, the private sector and government offices, given its implementation philosophy in strengthening local implementation capacity and complementing existing government programs through sharing of resources, expertise, risks and responsibility.  


From the private and NGO sector, BPI’s implementing partners included LDP-KJKS and KOMIDA for the Micro Finance Institution (MFI) program. BPI also worked closely with Batang Government Offices as implementing partners. BPI’s CSR program works in partnership with: the Batang Marine & Fishery Office for fisherman program; the Batang Health Office for the Health Program; the Batang Education & Culture Office for the School Program;  the Batang Environment Office for the Mangrove Rehabilitation Program; and the Batang Forestry & Plantation Office for the  Reforestation Program.


During 2014, BPI’s CSR program has developed and revitalizing Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) such MFIs and Village Health Volunteer. These CSOs received capacity building and resources that enables them to empower their own community. They will be the future BPI CSR program implementing partners.


The 2014 Program aimed to increase the well-being of the communities by considering short-term job creation as well as long-term capacity building for the affected farmers, fishermen, and their families. Activities were conducted to support livelihoods, education, and health. Continued from 2012, small gatherings kept being conducted actively, in order for communities to better understand the Project, and for better communications between communities and BPI, in association with CSR programs. The number of such gatherings amounted to 36 times in 2014.


As a result, a total number of 8,736 accumulated beneficiaries were supported through the various CSR projects and activities.


►Targeted Areas: Map to show outreached area 


►Targeted Beneficiaries:

1. Economic Development –891 people

2. MFI –5,000 people

3. Infrastructure –138 people (job creation) and 62 improved community facilities

4. Education – 5 schools

5. Health –2,433 infants & senior citizen.


For more information regarding BPI CSR implementing partners, please kindly find details below:

1. Koperasi Mitra Dhuafa/ KOMIDA : http://mitradhuafa.com/


Result of 2014 BPI CSR Program Implementation



In 2013, BPI’s CSR program was implemented to execute the Environmental Impact Assessment (AMDAL) obligations and Land Acquisition Program. A total of 11 villages were supported through BPI’s CSR Program in five thematic areas: Economic Development; Infrastructure; Education; Socio-Culture; and Health.


BPI’s CSR Program was implemented based on local needs, socio-cultural conditions, affected village and alignment with government programs. The CSR Program was implemented with a focus on transparency, accountability, strong record keeping, sustainability, and through prioritizing a participatory approach. The CSR program is strongly aligned with the government’s programs, considering their urgent priorities, policies and need for resource sharing by establishing partnerships. 


BPI implemented the CSR Program in collaboration with partners from government offices, given its implementation philosophy in strengthening local implementation capacity and complementing existing government programs through sharing of resources, expertise, risks and responsibility.  


From the NGO sector, BPI’s implementing partners included LDP-KJKS and KOMIDA for the Micro Financing (MFI) program. BPI also worked closely with Batang Goverment Offices as implementing partners. In particular, BPI worked in partnership with: the Batang Education & Culture Office for the Scholarship Program; the Batang Health Office for the Health Program; the Batang Environment Office for the Mangrove Rehabilitation Program; and the Batang Forestry & Plantation Office for the Reforestation Program.


During 2013, the CSR program started developing Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) such as a Micro Finance Institution. These CSOs received capacity building training and resources that enables them to provide financial services to affected communities.


The 2013 Program aimed to increase community well-being by considering short-term job creation as well as long-term capacity building for the affected farmers and their families. Continued from 2012, small gatherings kept being conducted actively, in order for communities to better understand the Project, and for better communications between communities and BPI, in association with CSR programs. The number of such gatherings amounted to 103 times in 2013. 


As a result, a total number of 11,002 accumulated beneficiaries were supported through the various CSR projects and activities.


►Targeted Areas: Map to show outreached area 



►Targeted Beneficiaries:

1. Economic Development –528 people

2. MFI – 2,496 people

3. Infrastructure –442 people (job creation) and 57 improved community facilities

4. Education – 5,047 students

5. Health –2,524 infants & senior citizen.

6. Socio-Culture – 51 packages supporting national, local, religious & environment celebrations


For more information regarding BPI CSR implementing partners, please kindly find details below:

1. Koperasi Mitra Dhuafa/ KOMIDA : http://mitradhuafa.com/


Result of 2013 BPI CSR Program Implementation
